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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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time. He got his math brain from her, but she's always been bemused by the architecture angle. Both his parents have made noises about him going to grad school, but Connor has no interest in another degree. Part of the appeal of the architecture program was that he was able to intern his junior year and finish school part time. Once his knee ensured soccer was done, nothing else tied him to school.
    He does enjoy it, for the most part, but he still can't help thinking that there should be something more, that he should feel more for it. Maybe it's something one grows into. "It's good for now."
    His mom gives him a sharp look but doesn't comment further. She declares the steaks done and sends him inside to round up his dad and Janey, who still haven't gotten the bike together. Preemptively, Connor grabs them beers too, and herds them outside.
    "Where's Shawn and Gabby?" he asks Janey.
    "At the park. There's some crew race on the Schuylkill she wanted to see."
    "Weird kid," Connor comments, which earns him a kick under the table.
    "She has more culture than you do," Janey says, which is true enough. Gabby has unique obsessions. "They'll be here later, though, so save some steak for Shawn, you pig."
    The rest of the meal's a mix of catching up and their usual bickering, which his parents have long since stopped trying to curb. He leaves Janey arguing with his dad over some book they both just finished and heads for the mudroom. They haven't gotten very far. He picks up the instructions, surveys the bits and pieces of bike around him.
    He's not sure how much time has passed when he hears his mother's laugh. She's standing in the doorway, her strong features lit up in a smile.
    "Gabby will be pleased."
    "She better be," Connor says, tightening the last nut, but he can't help smiling a little, thinking of her face when she sees it.
    "You know you're always welcome to bring someone home," his mom says. "If you wanted."
    Connor takes his time with the last rotation of the wrench. He knows she means it, though both she and his father have always kept out of his personal life. They probably grill Janey when he's not there. He pictures bringing someone like Lewis back here to meet them, and it's surprisingly easy. Janey would probably monopolize him for hours talking about his work.
    Then the mystery face shifts inevitably to Rafe's. It slides in and out, a tantalizing possibility that still feels beyond his grasp. Rafe's used to men like Julian, and Connor can't offer anything like that.
    "I know," he says. "Thanks."
    "Are you happy?" she asks, and Connor wonders what prompted that. He doesn't come across as unhappy, does he? He has a decent job, his own place, a supportive family. He's lucky to have all of those. There's no reason to be unhappy.
    He's saved by the sound of the door opening and the creak of the foyer floor. Shawn's voice calls out a hello, followed by Gabby's higher one.
    His mom smiles, but it's a tight, worried smile.
    "Let's go see the rest of the clan," he says.
    Monday morning, there's a new pile of drawings on his desk. Some are new and some are changes to ones he'd already put in, and there's not much to do but transfer them all dutifully into the growing collection on his hard drive.
    There's no sign of Rafe. Connor leans back in his chair, looking up toward Rafe's office, but the door is closed. He can't tell if Rafe's in there or not.
    He works through the morning on the new drawings and redoing what he'd already completed. This is the kind of work he enjoys, actually, and doesn't have much opportunity to do, so he's quickly caught up in the detailed nature of the task.
    "Sorry about that." Connor looks up. He hadn't noticed Rafe's approach. "The new drawings, I mean."
    "That's okay," Connor says, surprised at the sentiment; it's what he's here for. "I'm glad you're back," he says without thinking. His face heats.
    Rafe looks surprised in turn but not displeased. "I'd like to get the new renderings to Ashburn tomorrow. Any chance you can work late tonight? I'll help, of course, but I need to finish up some other work first."
    Connor can probably finish them up by the end of the day if he pushes, but something holds him back from saying so. Rafe may be out of reach, but Connor's been able to do more interesting work in the last week than he has all year. He doesn't want to pass up the opportunity. "That's fine."
    He thinks he sees a hint of a smile. "Come up around five, then."
    There's enough

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