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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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still closed, Jackson leaned his head into Jet's stroking fingertip, and that was all the permission Jet needed. He stretched both his arms around Jackson from behind and pulled him close as he buried his face between his neck and shoulder. "I've been so lonely," he whispered.
    "I've been scared," Jackson whispered back.
    "I saw you when you arrived at The Commons tonight. I was afraid you were going to leave with that man," Jet admitted.
    "Evan is not who I've been thinking about for the past three days." He turned within Jet's circling arms to face him, and reached up to gently stroke his cheeks. "You are."
    Both men heard a ripping sound and looked down. Burtie tore open a white pharmacy bag, spilling out an unopened package of condoms and a tube of lube.
    "You're welcome."
    "Uhm… I picked that up three days ago," Jet nervously laughed. "Right after I met you."
    Jet pulled Jackson's face closer, leaned in, and kissed him. Jackson stiffened in his jeans as his tongue played with Jet's. When they broke apart, Jackson murmured, "You'd better grab that lube. Burtie will probably try to eat it."
    Jet laughed and scooped the items up in one hand, then took Jackson by the other hand and gently pulled him towards the bedroom. The door closed after them.
    Burtie's toenails clicked on the hardwood floor as he walked back to Ingo's bed.
    "Good plan… faking pain to get a ride home with Jackson," Burtie said with approval.
    "What would they ever do without us?" Ingo yawned as Burtie curled up next to him and closed his eyes.
    Author bio: Elin Austen is a new writer and is anxious to hear what you think about her story.

    by Ravon Silvius

    "I've seen the way you look at him. Would that the King knew what I knew about you, your life would be forfeit. Your head would be on a pike for the crows to pluck out your eyes. Tell me, is he worth it? Are you willing to damn him as well as yourself?"
    ~ Sarah Madison

    genre: historical
    tags: knights; masturbation; homophobia; religion; first time
    word count: 12,384
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    by Ravon Silvius
    He had dreamed of him again.
    Kent woke in a sweat, panting, trying to ignore the insistent throbbing between his legs. Another damn dream.
    He looked over at the other side of the tent at his sleeping comrade, who lay oblivious to Kent's desires, his form outlined in the dawn sun that streamed through the thin walls of their tent. Kent put his head in his hands, struggling to keep himself from grasping his painfully hard member. No matter how much he wanted it, he knew he could never have Seth. The details of the dream came back to him, torturing him with their promise of pleasure.
    "Damnit!" Kent threw off his blankets and turned over. Guilt and self-disgust washed over him, and he curled up into a ball underneath his covers, his erection waning. He had been newly knighted upon turning twenty, sworn to the service of the Lord. His duty was to his King and to God, no one else.
    But there was Seth. Seth, the beautiful, cheerful man, with mop-like brown hair and an ever present smile.
    Seth had absolutely intoxicated him, his spring-green eyes always full of laughter and allure. Kent knew it was foolish and that nothing could come of it, but he couldn't help it. The older knight was gorgeous, strong, and had taken an interest in training with him, showing him techniques and abilities Kent had not imagined.
    They had become fast friends despite Kent's reticence, probably because Seth had noticed that Kent couldn't keep himself away.
    Of course, Kent could never let the dark-haired man know of his desire for him.
    He turned over once more under the covers, anxiety gnawing at him. Every day was a challenge, and nights brought no real relief.
    "Kent, are you asleep?" Seth's groggy voice snapped Kent out of his thoughts, and he shoved away his misgivings and frustrations. Seth was his friend. Nothing more.
    "I was... What is it?" He made his voice gruff as if he just woken.
    Seth yawned and rubbed his eyes. "You think we'll find their hideout today? I'm so tired of traveling…" His eyes brightened. "There's supposed to be a lake near here, near the village of Chiep. The village will have pretty girls, I'm sure, and we can bathe."
    Kent snorted. "Sure, I'm sure Commander Rake will be happy to stop just so you can take a bath in a lake. In fact, I'm sure the bandit leader will stop robbing the populace just so you can take a day

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