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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
green eyes. God, the man was gorgeous.
    "You lose," Seth said with a grin, poking Kent in the stomach lightly with a practice dagger he had pulled from his belt.
    Kent took a shuddering breath, gently disentangling himself from Seth's arms. "A worthy lesson."
    Seth tossed the knife in the air and caught it with a smile. Then he froze.
    A very different sound rose out over the cheers and cries of the men who watched them.
    "Weapons!" Kent shouted. "To your weapons!"
    A few of the men stopped and stared, uncertain. Then Commander Rake's voice boomed. "We are under attack!"
    Seth and Kent exchanged glances; then both ran for their tent.
    Kent was faster, already wearing his armor and sword. He grabbed his horse's reins, the dependable animal staying still and true despite the men around him rushing to their supplies. Kent grabbed his lance, heart pounding in his throat as he mounted. Only one other knight made his saddle at the same time. They were not prepared.
    The bandit troupe came into site, dust pluming from their horses. They rode in a loose formation—these were no rabble that would be routed with one charge.
    Mercenaries turned bandits. The worst kind.
    Kent stayed still, praying for the enlisted men to prepare. Against mounted men, their phalanx would prove invaluable, as long as they did not break.
    Commander Rake's voice boomed, ordering the men to do just that. Chaz, the only other knight who was prepared, pulled his horse's reins sharply. The bandits grew louder, the beating of their horses' hooves on the ground like thunder.
    There were too many of them, Kent thought, and they were so organized. Not like bandits at all. He swallowed hard. He had never faced men like these.
    Before he could finish the thought, Seth appeared next to him, his chestnut-colored horse whinnying as Seth reined him in. "Kent, are you prepared?"
    "Of course." He breathed hard already, his nerves thrumming. With Seth, he could do it. He wished he hadn't practiced beforehand, but the excitement of battle would correct any exhaustion.
    Other knights began to mount up, and finally the commander shouted. "Knights, charge then break! Drive them toward the phalanx! GO!"
    Kent didn't need to be told twice, his training kicking in. He drove his heels into his horse's flanks, leveling the lance as they charged.
    He could not see Seth next to him, but he sensed him, the man racing a mere foot away to his left. They had been together like this, charging side by side, since Kent had first met him. It always happened that way.
    With Seth by his side, he felt invincible.
    Kent spurred his horse harder, driving toward the enemy. He held his lance at point, aiming at the chest of one of the enemy horses.
    Then a shrill whistle pierced the air. Kent lifted his spear, guiding his horse with his legs as he drew his sword in the other hand. He dashed to the left, driving toward the side of the charging bandits, slashing with his sword. Seth rode just behind him, finishing those whom Kent missed.
    Their weapons bit through leather and horseflesh, the bandits' charge faltering where he swung. They couldn't turn away from their course, the knights on either side boxing them in. They were driven forward.
    Forward, into the waiting spears of the enlisted men. Horses screamed as they were pierced in the chest, their charge stopped short. Some of the horses stopped running entirely, turning tight and fleeing with their riders.
    "That wasn't right," Seth said, sword still outstretched. "They were so many of them, and not well-trained. It was stupid to attack us when they knew we had knights. Keep alert. Something's up."
    The answer came in the blast of a horn. Seth paled, and Kent spurred his horse, wheeling it around.
    A dark cloud gathered overhead. Kent threw up his shield, screaming. "Arrows!"
    Without a shield, Seth rolled off his horse, diving behind Kent. The arrows thudded to the ground well short of the two men, the points driving deep into the dirt. Longbows. Deadly to knights.
    "The first wave was untrained, new recruits, probably." Seth cursed. "Mercenaries. Loyalless scum, but smart. Now the real fight starts." He sheathed his sword, pulling out his lance. "Are you ready, my friend?"
    Kent mimicked Seth, staring into his eyes a beat longer than he knew was proper. "Always."
    They fought harder than they had ever anticipated. Tactics like the one they had used against the untrained bandits would not work. The only tactic now was to charge

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