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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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    Seth sighed, rolling his eyes to the ceiling of the tent. "Awfully serious, for someone just out of his squire's gear." He got up and threw on his dingy traveling clothes then stepped outside the tent, noting the dawn. "I'm going to bug the cook for breakfast. When you get over your morning grumpiness, feel free to join me." With a wide grin, he walked off.
    Kent just sighed and threw on his clothes, packing up his bag and throwing his armor into it. He seriously doubted there would be a battle today, just another dust-filled trek across the countryside looking for signs of the mercenary band. Bandit band, really, but they had begun as mercenaries, which according to Commander Rake made them more dangerous.
    He noticed that his clothes felt a little gamey as he pulled them on and had to admit that what Seth had said about bathing made some sense. It just made him feel worse for being so rude to him.
    He emerged from the tent into the open air. Almost everyone was awake and crowded around the cooking fires waiting for the food.
    Kent wandered over to where Seth was standing next to a very annoyed looking cook. "We're getting eggs," Seth said with a smile, looking over his shoulder. Kent smiled back, hoping Seth did not hold his rudeness from that morning against him. Lust flared as his gaze left Seth's face and traveled up and down his body, lightning quick.
    Lyle, the camp's priest, caught Kent's eye then. The blond man looked at him with one eyebrow raised, the cross around his neck shining in the sun. Kent wiped the smile from his features and stared ahead at nothing, heart suddenly pounding.
    "Everyone, listen!" Kent looked up at Commander Rake's voice, and the chatter around the camp stopped. "There have been no signs of the mercenaries for some time, and I think it'd be best if we took one day to rest and recuperate. There is a village nearby, and I am sending a few of the enlisted men for supplies. Tend to your horses, wash yourselves in the nearby lake—"
    "Maybe we'll stop scaring the village ladies away if we do," one of the enlisted men joked. Seth laughed in agreement, and annoyance washed through Kent. He did not like to think about the number of whores Seth had visited through the years—always after a victory. Kent never let himself dwell on it, or witness it. He didn't know what he'd do if he did.
    Commander Rake glared. "Rest up, but stay alert, and be ready to travel hard tomorrow!" The whole camp had brightened at his words. Apparently Seth wasn't the only one who wanted a bath and some rest.
    "C'mon, Kent! The water is great!" Kent stared at a naked Seth, who floated lazily in the side of the lake. He was grinning happily as he bathed and periodically splashed one of the enlisted men in an ongoing war the two were having.
    Kent was fully dressed, thankfully, for if he wasn't Seth may have noticed how aroused he was. He couldn't tear his gaze away from Seth's body.
    "Um, I think I'll wash my clothes… somewhere else." Kent swallowed, but Seth didn't notice his discomfiture.
    "Of course. Don't go far. We're supposed to stay alert, remember?" Undermining his words, Seth gleefully dunked the enlisted man he had just splashed, who came up spluttering. Seth laughed, but Kent didn't stick around to reprimand him, practically running to find a place where he could be in private.
    He found it quickly, a small water filled cave that no one would notice if they weren't looking for it. It was far enough from everyone else, and Kent took off his clothes, sighing in relief when his pants were removed. He lounged in the water, hoping the cold would be enough to take the edge off his arousal.
    He groaned; the lapping water was only making it worse. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and moved to the back of the cave in case anyone came looking. He brought up the details of his dream the night before, which had been agonizing him all morning.
    Seth lay naked in their tent, sighing as Kent rubbed his body with his own. Their erections rubbed against each other, throbbing with pleasure that mounted with every movement. Seth's mouth was hot against Kent's as he kissed him, their tongues dueling, hot and slick.
    Kent wrapped his hand tightly around his hard shaft, pumping it slowly at first. He bit his lip to keep from moaning.
    Seth finally stopped kissing him and brought Kent's hand to his member, thrusting up against it. Kent took the hint and moved on top of the dark-haired man, spreading Seth's

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