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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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documented to induce erections. When did you first enter this state?"
    "Last night. When Jali and I started talking," Vin said.
    "Ah. That explains it."
    "Denoblian pheromones. Particularly strong to potential partners. With your physiology, it makes sense that you would be affected by the scent of your costar. Is he similarly affected?"
    "Yeah, he's been rock-hard too."
    "Very good. I'll cancel the medbot. Can we assume neither of you has performed actions to alleviate the symptoms?"
    "Well, we did do some experimentation."
    "But neither of you achieved completion?"
    "No, we did come. But we're still this hard."
    "Interesting. Are you sure you don't need a shot to maintain your state?"
    "Uh, no. I don't think that's going to be necessary. It seems anytime I'm around him, I'm ready."
    "All right. I'll alert the onset medic to your conditions, but there shouldn't be any permanent damage."
    "Permanent?" Vin squeaked. That caused his erection to wane a little.
    "Ah, see? Better already," the medic said with a wide smile.
    "Great," Vin said, even though he knew sarcasm didn't make it to the twenty-sixth century. Along with almost everything else he and the others knew. "Anything else?"
    "No. The shuttle will be in shortly. Have a good shoot." The doc signed off, and Vin scrubbed his hand through his hair. He turned around to find Jali standing near the wall.
    "Ten minutes, dude," he said as he started to his chambers. He didn't really have anything but a couple of changes of clothes, and one of those was in pieces on the floor next to the couch.
    "Wait, please," Jali said, putting a hand on Vin's arm.
    "What's to wait for?"
    "It's not what you are thinking."
    "I thought you couldn't read my mind," Vin said.
    "But you are, how did you put it? An open book? You are thinking this was all just a mating episode. That we were just in heat."
    "Wasn't it?" Vin's cock had deflated, just like he felt his heart doing in his chest.
    "Not for me," Jali said quietly. He leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest.
    "What was it then?" Vin asked. He felt like a fool. There was a point when he had been thinking about chucking it all for Jali. Sometime during the night when he'd woken up and stared at Jali sleeping next to him, making little snuffling snoring noises. He'd actually thought he could get used to sharing his bed, and maybe even his life, with someone. He'd wondered if Jali would want to take a chance with him.
    He crossed his arms and stood in front of Jali, well aware that he probably looked like a child throwing a tantrum. Fuck it. I'll quit and go hang with Obs. He needs me more anyway.
    Jali reached out to take Vin by his arms and pull him closer. "Our scent only attracts those who are possible mates. It only excites those who are matches for us. It's our way of ensuring survival of our species. Without these physical reactions, our species would die out. You are the first offworlder who has responded to my scent."
    "And how many Denoblians do you have back home?"
    "A few reacted," Jali shrugged. "They've been pleasurable, but none have raised my interest. Not the way you have, silly human."
    "I'm not silly," Vin said. Yeah, that was pouting. He shook his head and looked up at Jali. "Look, let's just get through this shoot and we'll see what happens next."
    "Fair enough." Jali leaned forward and touched his horns to Vin's forehead. Vin didn't get any images from this meeting, just a comforting feeling. The wall behind them vibrated, and the airlock warning light flashed.
    "I guess that's our ride. Need to grab anything before we go?"
    Jali tightened his arms around Vin. "Nope. I have what I want right here."
    Vin chuckled and pushed against Jali's chest. "Jeez, that was cornball. I'll be right back." He jogged to his room and grabbed the breeks and the black T-shirt he had been wearing for the exam and pulled them on, tying the pants as he went back. His travelcomm vibrated in his pocket, and he tucked it behind his ear as they waited for the airlock to open so they could board the shuttle. Jali gave the pants a look and raised an eyebrow at Vin.
    "I just don't like my junk sticking to the seat." Jali raised his hands in front of him.
    "I didn't say anything." They climbed into the small ship and the door shut. Vin's stomach dropped as the shuttle disengaged from the lock and the transport's engines kicked in. His travelcomm vibrated again, so Vin answered it.
    "Vin, it is about time,"

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