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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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embarrassing arch of my erection in my pants. I was trembling with want, panting into Marcus' kiss, and Bryan broke his line of nips and bites across my throat to whisper in my ear, "I can't tell you how many times I wanted to feel you like this, Tony. Every time I saw you. God, every time I thought about you."
    "More," was the only word I could choke out. "Need more."
    "Not here," Marcus murmured against my mouth. His tongue swiped again against mine, leisurely and full of dark promises. "Upstairs. Come on."
    I nodded. The three of us broke apart long enough to blow out the shrinking candles on the cake before venturing, hand in hand in hand, up to the bedroom.
    The sight of their bed in front of me, open to me, brought a torrent of words to my lips. "I used to lie in my room and think about this bed," I heard myself say, "about what you two would do here, and I wanted—"
    "We'd talk about you," Marcus said, curling his hand around the small of my back and urging me forward. "Fantasize about you. Bryan would close his eyes and imagine you were the one sucking him off."
    "Oh, God." I turned, heat washing through me, and met Bryan's gaze, looking for confirmation. Bryan answered me with a kiss, hot and needy, better than any words he could have said.
    "Surprised you never heard me calling your name," Bryan said. His voice was a hot hiss, and I reached out to wind my arms around him, needing his body against mine.
    Slippery, half-smiling, Bryan broke from my grasp almost immediately, sliding backward across the carpeted floor and climbing onto the bed. Kneeling there, he shucked off his shirt in a quick rush, reached out strong, naked arms. "Want you so much."
    The image nearly broke me. I started to speak, but Marcus cut me off by reaching behind me to grab my shirt from the nape of my neck. He hoisted it off me in a single movement, and I tasted cotton for an instant before it was gone. He smiled at me, open-palmed, inviting me to do the same.
    No way. I wanted to enjoy myself. I worked my hands under his shirt at the hem, caressed the strong muscles of his stomach and slid up to brush my thumbs over his nipples. He gasped sharply and assaulted my mouth with his, teeth biting at my lips and tongue slicking away the burn from each nip. I opened my mouth to his, and we kissed wetly, messily as he pulled his arms through the sleeves of his T-shirt. A brief break, I lifted it over his head, and we clasped together, chest to chest.
    A soft gasp from the bed and we turned. Bryan had shed his pants and boxers and was naked now on the bed, fist curled around his erection and stroking slowly. The glimmer in his eyes said go on, but there was no way I could see him naked and not reach for him. I turned, pulling Marcus with me, and ran one hand up Bryan's leg to his thigh. Marcus chuckled and turned his attention to undressing me, guiding my jeans to the floor and kissing the back of my knee as a prompt to step out of them. Bryan's hand had gone slack on his cock, and when my boxers came down he reached for me instead, curling his fingers around my shaft. The inviting heat of it was almost too much, and I moaned and arched my hips forward.
    Marcus rose up behind me, and his legs were bare against mine—sneakily, he'd gotten naked while I was distracted by Bryan. His cock pressed against the small of my back, and his hands snaked around my waist as he sank wet kisses into my shoulder. "He feels good, huh?" Marcus whispered between kisses. "Let's give him what he wants."
    I nodded frantically. I would have given these men my soul if they'd asked. Hell, I was pretty sure they already had it.
    Marcus stepped out from behind me, kneeled on the bed next to Bryan and kissed him hotly. "You happy?" he asked, and Bryan nodded. "How do you want us?"
    Bryan's eyes lit up. "Want Tony to fuck me," he said. "Want to watch you two kissing while I suck you." There was near-madness in his voice. I thought I might pass out just from the sound of it. He wanted me this much. It still felt halfway like a dream.
    The three of us, I thought wildly, were making the shape of a house; roof and foundation. Together, we were home.
    Steadying myself on Marcus, one hand on his shoulder, I reached down to wrap my hand around Bryan's cock. He gasped and arched into my hand. We were all three touching, Marcus's mouth on mine and Marcus' hands on my face, my hand on Bryan's cock and Marcus's shoulder, Bryan taking us both in and then, incredibly, opening his

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