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Titel: Mercy Thompson 01-05 - THE MERCY THOMPSON COLLECTION Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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I’m not supposed to figure it out?” He shook his head reprovingly. “Your mysterious customer who drives the funky bus painted up like the Mystery Machine and only shows up after dark? Dracula he isn’t, but where there’s werewolves, there certainly ought to be vampires.”
    I laughed, I couldn’t help it. “Fine. Yes.” Then I told him seriously, “Don’t let anyone else know you know anything about vampires, especially not Stefan.” Then I remembered that wouldn’t be a problem. I swallowed around the lump in my throat and continued seriously. “It’s not safe for you or your family. They’ll leave you alone as long as they don’t know you believe in them.”
    He pulled his collar aside to show me a cross. “My mother makes me wear this. It was my father’s.”
    â€œThat’ll help,” I told him. “But pretending ignorance will help more. I’m expecting a couple of phone calls. One from Tony and the other from Elizaveta Arkadyevna, you’ll know her by her Russian accent.” I’d intended to close the shop for the day, but I didn’t have anything to do until Tony or Elizaveta called me back. If it had taken two weeks for Stefan and Warren to find the sorcerer, I was unlikely to find him by driving up and down streets at random. There are over 200,000 people living in the Tri-Cities. It isn’t Seattle, but it’s not Two Dot, Montana, either.
    I couldn’t concentrate on my work. It took me twice as long to replace a power steering pump as it should have, because I kept stopping to check my phone.
    Finally, I broke down and called Zee again—but there was no answer on his phone. Elizaveta still wasn’t answering her phone either, nor was Tony.
    I started on the next car. I’d only been working on it for a few minutes when Zee walked in. From the scowl on his face, he was upset about something. I finished tightening the alternator belt on the ’70 Beetle and scrubbed up. When I had most of the grease off my hands I leaned a hip on a bench and said, “What’s up.”
    â€œOnly a fool deals with vampires,” he said, his face closed up into a forbidding visage of disapproval.
    â€œLittleton ripped Warren to bits, Zee,” I told him. “It probably killed Stefan—and Samuel and Adam are missing.”
    â€œI did not know about the Alpha and Samuel.” His face softened a little. “That is bad, Liebchen . But to take direction from the vampire’s mistress is not smart.”
    â€œI’m being careful.”
    He snorted. “Careful? I saw your trailer.”
    â€œSo did I,” I said ruefully. “I was there when it happened. Littleton must have found out that Marsilia asked me to find him.”
    â€œYou obviously found him last night—not that it did you any good.”
    I shrugged. He was right, but I couldn’t just sit around and wait for Darryl to call and tell me they’d found Samuel and Adam dead. “Marsilia seems to think I can deal with him.”
    â€œYou believe her?”
    â€œUncle Mike did.”
    That took him aback; he pursed his lips. “What else did Uncle Mike say to you?”
    The stuff about heroes was too embarrassing, so I told him what Uncle Mike had told me about the effect of demons on werewolves.
    â€œUncle Mike visited me this morning,” Zee told me. “Then we both went out and visited some other friends.” He hefted a backpack at me.
    I caught it and unzipped the bag. Inside was a sharpened stake as long as my forearm and the knife Zee had loaned me the first time I’d visited the seethe. It was very good at slicing through things—things a knife had no business cutting at all, like chains for example.
    â€œI got the stake from a fae who has an affinity for trees and growing things,” he said. “It’s made from the wood of a rowan tree, a wood of the light. She said that this would find its way to the heart of a vampire.”
    â€œI appreciate your trouble,” I said, skirting around an outright “thank you.”
    He smiled, just a little smile. “You are a lot of trouble, Mercy. Usually you’re worth it. I don’t think that knife will do anything to the vampire when his magic is still working. But once he’s staked he will be more vulnerable to it. Then you can use it to cut off his head. Zzip.”

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