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Titel: Mercy Thompson 01-05 - THE MERCY THOMPSON COLLECTION Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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chest. He’d tipped his head to the side so my face was pressed against his jaw and cheek.
    â€œI meant to get the blanket between us,” he said tightly. His heart pounded against mine, and his arms were shaking and rock hard. “I didn’t mean you had to sleep with me right now—a simple ‘yes’ would have done.”
    I knew he was aroused—even a regular person without a coyote nose would have known it. I slid my hands up from his hips to his hard belly and up his ribs and listened to his heart rate pick up even further and a light sweat broke out on his jaw under my slow caress. I could feel the muscles in his cheek move as he clenched his teeth, felt the heat that flushed his skin. I blew in his ear, and he jumped away from me as though I’d stuck him with a cattle prod.
    Streaks of amber lit his eyes, and his lips were fuller, redder. I dropped the comforter on top of my shirt.
    â€œDamn it, Mercy.” He didn’t like to swear in front of women. I always counted it a personal triumph when I could make him do it. “It hasn’t even been a week since you were raped. I’m not sleeping with you until you’ve talked to someone, a counselor, a psychologist.”
    â€œI’m fine,” I said, though in fact, once distance had released me from the safety he brought with him, I was aware of a sick churning in my stomach.
    Adam turned so he was facing the window, his back to me. “No, you’re not. Remember, you can’t lie to a wolf, love.” He let out a breath of air too forcefully to be a sigh. He rubbed his hair briskly, trying to get rid of excess energy. Obligingly, it stuck up in small curls that he usually kept too short to look anything but neat and well-groomed. “Who am I talking about?” he asked, though I didn’t think the question was directed at me. “This is Mercy. Getting you to talk about anything personal is like pulling teeth at the best of times. Getting you to talk to a stranger ...”
    I hadn’t thought myself particularly closemouthed. Actually, I’d been accused of having a smart mouth. Samuel had told me more than once that I’d probably live longer if I learned to bite my tongue occasionally.
    So I waited, without saying a word, for Adam to decide what he wanted to do.
    The room wasn’t cold, but I was shivering a little anyway—it must be nerves. If Adam didn’t hurry up and do something, though, I was going to be throwing up in the bathroom. I’d spent too much time worshipping the porcelain goddess since Tim had made me overdose on fairy juice to view the thought with any equanimity.
    He wasn’t watching me, but he didn’t need to be. Emotions have a scent. He swung back to look at me with a frown. He took in my state with one comprehensive look.
    He swore and strode back to me, wrapping me in his arms. He pulled me tight against him, making low, soothing sounds in the back of his throat. He rocked me gently.
    I took a deep breath of Adam-scented air and tried to think. Normally, this wouldn’t be difficult for me. But normally I wasn’t all but naked in the arms of the hottest man I knew.
    I’d misunderstood what he’d wanted.
    To double-check, I cleared my throat. “When you said you needed my answer to your claim today—you weren’t actually asking for sex?”
    His body jerked involuntarily as he laughed, rubbing his jaw against my face. “So, you think I’m the kind of person who’d do something like that? After what happened just last week?”
    â€œI thought that’s what it took,” I mumbled, feeling my cheeks heat up.
    â€œHow long did you spend in the Marrok’s pack?”
    He knew how long. He was just making me feel stupid. “Mating wasn’t something everyone talked to me about,” I told him defensively. “Just Samuel ...”
    Adam laughed again, one of his hands on my shoulder, the other moving in a light caress on my butt, which should have tickled but didn’t. “I just bet he was telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth right then.”
    I tightened my grip on him—somehow my hands had landed on his lower back. “Probably not. So all you needed was my agreement?”
    He grunted. “It won’t help with the pack, not until it’s for real. But with Samuel out of the way, I thought you’d be able to decide if you

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