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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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mistress. Now she got out and about more she'd learned a lot of things. The women of the colony loved nothing better than a bit of juicy gossip. Tiger Carstairs had earned the reputation of being a rogue. He could spin a tale with the best of the men, and now she knew him better it wasn't so difficult to imagine why she'd thought him one of the nobs. He could mix with any company from the highest to the lowliest, the wealthiest to the poorest.
    "If you hadn 't spoken up for me, Bella, I hate to think where I may have ended up."
    Isabella blinked as she looked back at Dougal. Nodding vaguely she thought for the thousandth time how the two men differed in every way possible. The more she got to know Tiger the duller Dougal seemed. Tiger had a fire in his eyes when he talked about his dreams; Dougal only ever got excited about the sheep and how their wool was improving. He was as boring as one of his stupid charges.
    "Funny, isn't it, how fate works things out for us. If Tiger hadn't taken a fancy to you I wouldn't have got a job working with the sheep, eh, Bella."
    "Aye, 'tis strange for sure."
    T aken a fancy to her? She nearly spluttered. Still, it was a mystery she hadn't been able to fathom out. Why had Tiger Carstairs been so definite that day and stolen her away from Mr. Tonkins? And been ready to fight the Irishman for her? Yet often now she got the impression he wished he hadn't bothered. Ah well, Thelma seemed pleased with her work and that was all that mattered. Who was she trying to convince? She could lie to others, but not to herself. She lived for Tiger's approval; pined for his attention.
    "Hand me up that piece of harness, Bella."
    Dougal interrupted her thoughts and she shook herself; annoyed that so much of her day seemed spent wondering about her arrogant English master. Isabella bent to pass him the leather strap, and Dougal's face reddened as their hands touched. His face was near to hers and she felt a tremble in his fingers.
    "Bella?" he whispered, a plea in his voice.
    "I have to get on with my chores," she said brusquely, pressing the strap on him and turning away. The look of longing on his face annoyed her. Why did he have to make such a fool of himself?
    But wasn 't she just as big a fool for harboring her own secret dreams? Not that she'd leave herself open for scorn by showing how she felt. Not as long as she had a breath in her body, she wouldn't.

    Chapter Eleven
    "Selena, you know I hate to be pushed." Tiger sighed. Annoyed with her and with himself, he rubbed his nape irritably.
    Selena came up on her elbows, gazing at him from beneath lowered lids. "Push you? One thing you 've never accused me of doing before is acting like a jealous wife. Have I ever demanded anything of you, Tiger? No?" she queried at his slightly raised brows.
    Tiger looked down at her as he tucked his shirt into his waistband. Selena took the opportunity to stretch languidly, drawing his eyes to her luscious breasts with their rosy nipples. He swallowed a small sound of impatience as she ran her fingers through the tumbled mass of her hair. With the sheets rumpled about her and the plump down pillows strewn across the bed she looked very desirable.
    "Our relationship has always been one of trust and acceptance, Selena. I refuse to be made to feel guilty. I've never once laid down laws or placed barriers on your conduct, so I suggest you follow my example and don't set down rules for me."
    Angry now, Tiger bent to pull on his boots. Giving Selena a sideways glance he saw the glitter of something nasty flash over her eyes. Yes, it was time this liaison was drawn to a conclusion.
    "I accompanied you last year to the Governor's pre Christmas ball, and naturally presumed..." Selena picked at a nonexistent piece of thread on the bed linen beneath her.
    Tiger knew the la nguid pose was feigned. She seethed with temper; he could almost feel the tension in her reaching out to him across the room. A woman of strong passions; Selena’s temper roused would be an awesome thing. But never one to be led by the nose, he had no intention of letting her get her own way.
    "Never presume anything in this life, Selena, and you won 't be disappointed." Tiger picked up his waistcoat and pulled it on.
    "You 're cruel, Tiger Carstairs," she flung at him as he made for the door.
    "I 'm as I've always been." He dragged in a deep breath. "Our ... affair has run its course. Time to move on, I suggest. Don't look so

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