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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
Vom Netzwerk:
Since his arrival, his burning ambition, after making a fortune, had been to walk the hallowed paths the nobs trod. And the only way for him to achieve that goal was by marrying into the gentry.
    So he 'd do well to keep his lecherous leanings towards the red-haired witch under control.

    Chapter Twelve
    "Don't be daft, girl, of course you'll go." Thelma gave Isabella an arch look before bending to her sewing.
    Isabella scowled at Tiger 's broad back. "I thought I had a choice in what I did. That's what I was told soon after I came here. As long as I did my work and didn't cause any trouble then I was free to do as I wish."
    Tiger stood at the dresser, his eyes on a book, apparently ignoring the conversation. But when he turned and she saw his scowl echoed her own, she knew he was aware of everything she'd said.
    "I 'm still your owner, little tartar, and if I say you'll accompany me to the Governor's Christmas ball, then you will accompany me."
    "That 's what you think."
    His golden brows shot up. "You must be a few brains short, woman. 'Tis well known the Governor takes pride in being a staunch believer in allowing the cons to rub shoulders with the free settlers. He's made many enemies by supporting the emancipists. Most of the convict women in Sydney would give their right arm to be allowed to go to a ball at Government House."
    "Well, I 'm not them, am I?" Isabella got up and lifted the hem of her skirt a fraction to shake her misshapen foot at him. "They can give their right arm, an' they'd still be able to cavort with the fine ladies and gents, wouldn't they? But with my lame foot I'll only show you up."
    Tiger dropped his gaze to the wiggling foot, then brought it up to her flushed face. "Aha, so 'tis only that that's stopping you, is it, eh?"
    "Not only that. I can 't dance. And I'd look pretty silly wouldn't I, standing about like a dummy while all the others are prancing about." With a stubborn tilt to her head, she plunked down on the chair.
    There was another reason she wouldn 't go. He'd only thought of her because he wasn't taking his mistress. Though why he couldn't take his fancy paramour she didn't know. From what she'd seen of Selena Drake the woman was fit to mingle in any company. She was beautiful, and obviously able to deck out in all the finery, for the gown she'd worn on the occasion Isabella saw her was enough to make a person's mouth water. Isabella pestered Thelma for her identity in church one Sunday after she'd noticed the nobs' wives and daughters giving the woman a wide berth. Could that be the reason Tiger wasn't taking her to the ball this year? Although if it was, it was a rare thing for him to worry about what others thought.
    "I 'll teach you to dance. 'Tis the most simple thing in the world." He came to stand over her, his arrogant stance intimidating.
    "I don 't wish to." Isabella bit her lip, lowering her head to hide the yearning filling her. She knew she sounded like an ungracious trollop, but couldn't help herself.
    "Must I keep repeating myself? You have no say in it."
    Isabella felt sure she heard him grind his teeth.
    Tiger heard Thelma's intake of breath and caught her look of condemnation. He winked and gave her a sly smile.
    He wondered briefly why he was bothering. The Irish termagant didn 't deserve the time of day. So why was he pursuing it? Because he was a stubborn, stupid half-wit, that's why.
    Selena put great store in going to the Governor's ball. She'd been his only bed companion for two years. At thirty-five she was still able to draw the eyes of most men in the colony, but Tiger had no regrets about ending their liaison.
    "I 'll teach you to dance." Now why had he repeated that? The sun must have got to him. He shook his head, grimacing when Thelma gave him an approving nod.
    "Even if I could dance, I 've got nothing to wear." Isabella pressed her fingers over her knees, straightening the skirt of her plain calico dress.
    Tiger gave a long-suffering sigh. "What do you take me for, woman? If I 'm taking you to the ball it goes without saying I'll make sure you don't show me up or yourself. All right?"
    "Why are you doing this? Thelma, why is he doing this—he knows he'd sooner take…" She bit her lip.
    "Who I take is my affair and nobody else 's." Tiger cursed under his breath. Running a hand through his hair he glared at everyone in the kitchen. "I'm going. I'll not ask again." With a snort of impatience he strode out.
    "You ought to go with

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