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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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insisted. "It may be the only chance you 'll ever get. He's mine, Tiger, and no one on this earth will ever come between us."
    "Perhaps no one will ever want to."
    "I've found you never can be sure about what folk are likely to do. People change so suddenly that before you blink an eye their feelings have altered." Bitterness made her voice brittle. 
    Tiger sighed heavily. Isabella held up their son and he tentatively took him into his arms. With a tenderness Isabella had never seen on him before he looked down on the small pink round face. Touching the soft fluff on the baby 's head with his lips, he whispered, "He's very strong," as one of his long fingers was trapped inside a small fist.
    "Aye, like his father. Let 's only hope he isn't as stubborn." Isabella swallowed as she watched the changing expressions on Tiger's face. His features, always implacable, had softened until for the first time ever he looked vulnerable. She wondered what he would say if she told him that too much of the side he preferred to keep controlled and hidden away was showing.
    "What are you going to call him?" Tiger must have realized his feelings were showing for abruptly he masked his emotions, and his face became blank as he handed the baby back to her, carefully ensuring their fingers didn't meet. But as he went to withdraw his hand it accidentally brushed one of her breasts. She flinched.
    "I 'm sorry," he blurted, dark streaks staining his cheekbones.
    "It 's all right." Isabella covered her own blush by bending over the baby. "I'm just full," she mumbled. "The baby should be fed."
    At that moment the doctor came back. "Just what I was about to suggest. Off you go, Tiger." He gave Tiger a push in the back. "And what are you going to call this fine lad?" he queried.
    Isabella gave Tiger a defiant glare when he stopped in his tracks and faced her, his eyes wide.
    "A fine name," the doctor declared.
    "Aye," she agreed, outstaring Tiger. " 'Twas the name of a man I once cared for who is gone from me forever."
    Without another word Tiger turned on his heel and left.

    Chapter Twenty Four
    M ay 1821
    "I'll put Tim to bed, shall I?" Thelma asked, pushing herself up from the seat beneath the verandah.
    They watched Tim as he chased one of the dogs, chuckling when the animal dodged away and took off in another direction.
    Isabella looked down at the baby in her arms. Dougie gripped a fistful of bodice in his strong little fingers. At seven months he was already willful. She smiled up at Thelma.
    "Thank you. If you can catch him, that is. The little so-and-so gets faster every day. I 'll just finish feeding Dougie and follow you in. Come here, Tim, time you was in bed," she called. "Leave the poor dog be, you'll make it sick and yourself along with it."
    Isabella sighed. Her fair-haired son was a miniature of his father, even down to the same arrogant stance when Thelma tried to take his hand.
    At twenty months Tim was full of life and forever into new tricks to pull on Thelma, who had slowed down so much in the past year Isabella was often filled with fear for her friend.
    Tim finally allowed himself to be caught, just as Tiger strolled from the back of the house to join them. Holding Thelma 's hand Tim stood before the man who was his hero.
    "Don 't wanna go to bed yet, Tiger," Tim stated, grinning mischievously, his blonde eyebrows going up, much as Tiger's did when he issued an ultimatum.
    "You 'll do as your mother says." Tiger reached to pick him up, growling in his ear as he turned him upside down until Tim squealed in delight.
    "Put him down, he 'll never get to sleep if you excite him so," Dougal ordered, scowling.
    Tiger stood still for a moment, and Isabella wondered how long it would be before he defied Dougal where the child was concerned. Slowly he lowered his son to the ground, then with a silent nod patted Tim on the head. The look he sent Dougal was filled with contempt. "Off to bed, Tim," he said. "Do as you 're told." With a shrug he headed for the stable.
    Thelma sighed heavily and glanced at Dougal before saying, "Come, Tim, let 's go." She took his tiny hand. "We'll get some of that dust washed off you afore you go to your bed, eh?"
    "Why?" Isabella heard him ask. She smiled. He was always so curious. He 'd even wondered only recently why his own hair was so light in color, yet his baby brother's so dark.
    While Timothy resembled Tiger to the last eyelash, so Dougie was the image of Dougal,

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