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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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conceived just before Christmas. I'll know for sure once it's born." He grinned as he patted Tiger's arm. "No need to worry. This child will be fit and strong, like his father. Isabella's a fine woman. I doubt she will have a moment's trouble delivering a bonny baby."
    "Aye, she 's a fine woman." Tiger took the reins from his hands and turned his back on him. "You'd best be getting in," he muttered before he led the horses around to the stables.
    Inside, alone, he threw back his head and let out a groan. God! 'Twas not possible.
    After he 'd unsaddled both mounts and watered and stabled them he sat on an upturned bucket and buried his face in his hands. Neale could be wrong. That was it, he'd made a miscalculation this time. Soon the truth would be out. The child would be a scrawny bundle, born before its time.
    * * *
    "Come lass, look at your bonny boy. 'Tis the finest babe I've delivered in a long time." Doctor Neale put the swaddled baby on Isabella's breast, urging one of her hands to its head.
    Isabella opened her eyes wearily and squinted down at the bundle. Her baby; Tiger 's child. "Is he. . .? Is he healthy?"
    "As healthy a babe as you 'll ever see. And not a moment's worry over his birth. You'll give birth to many fine children, madam," he assured her, touching the downy head of the baby and smiling. "In a while we'll put him to your breast."
    Isabella shook her head.
    "What, you don't wish to feed your baby?" he asked, shocked.
    "No. Of course I intend to feed him. I mean I will not give birth to any more. This will be my only one, Doctor Neale."
    For a moment he just looked at her, then he asked softly, "You dislike children?"
    "No, I just dislike the idea of having them." She gave her son a kiss on his forehead.
    "She's just feeling a bit down after the birth," Thelma said, coming back into the room in time to hear the last part of the conversation. "Lord, I'll take whatever ones she don't want."
    Isabella felt a moment of remorse for her hasty words. Thelma yearned for babies, but had never been able to get herself with child, let alone carry one for nine months.
    Dougal came in then and sat on the side of the bed. "Would you like to hold your son?" the doctor asked, patting him on the back.
    "He 's not. . ." Dougal jumped up, pacing over to the narrow window. "No, I'll have plenty of time to hold him later."
    "He won 't break, you know. Surely you wish to cradle your son in your arms. All new fathers do." The doctor chuckled as he finished washing his hands and began to dry them.
    "I don 't wish to. Does that make me strange?" Dougal's voice rose. "I thought I could accept it, but I can't." He glared at the three of them and rushed from the room, his boots thudding fiercely on the boards.
    Isabella and Thelma exchanged a glance. The doctor shrugged. "It takes some men a while to get used to it," he muttered. "Ah, Tiger, come in and take a look at the new member of your household."
    Tiger hesitated by the door. "'Tis a boy, then?"
    "Aye, a fine lad. I 've delivered a few bigger and healthier, but not many. 'Tis strange he hasn't his father or mother's coloring. But often babes are born so fair yet turn dark after. No doubt he's your child, Bella, but I can't see much of Dougal in him. No doubt that's why the lad has no wish to have much to do with him yet. He feels let down."
    "How about a cup of tea, doctor?" Thelma asked, picking discarded towels up from the floor and walking to where Tiger still hovered by the door. "Or perhaps something stronger, eh?"
    "Tea sounds just what the doctor ordered, my good woman. Don't stay long, Tiger, the baby has to be fed." He patted Tiger's broad shoulder as he went out, still smiling.
    "So, I was wrong." Tiger moved to the bed, staring at the baby as if mesmerized.
    "More wrong than you 'll ever know." Bitterly Isabella looked away from him, pressing the babe closer to her breast and kissing the head covered with fine, almost white hair.
    "I 'll admit I was mistaken about the babe. But still I have no way of knowing how many men you lay with while whoring with Selena."
    Isabella shook her head tiredly. No sense in arguing any more. He 'd never see the truth. Some men didn't wish to see what was right beneath their noses. "He looks like you. Would you like to hold him?"
    Tiger took a pace back, his eyes wide, but as if drawn to the infant by some invisible cord he moved close again and touched the tiny fist protruding from the shawl.
    "Go on, take him," she

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