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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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Tiger Carstairs. Now, let me go, and go off to your new mistress." Her lip curled as she glared up into his gold- flecked eyes.
    "Mistress?" He let out a soft laugh, staring intently at her. "You 've been listening to false gossip again, my love."
    "Your love? You make me mad with rage when you talk so. You're the one who is false. Go away Tiger, and leave me be, for heaven's sake."
    "I 'm never going away, don't you see? I'll always be here, and you'll always be mine, no matter what. Every part of you is mine; your beautiful hair, your silken limbs, your slim and graceful body." With a soft grunt he pulled her up against him until she could feel every part of his body from his knee to his chest. "See what you do to me. Feel my wanting." He groaned as he rotated her hips against his.
    Isabella stifled a sob of anguish. She thumped at his chest in frustration. "I 'll be free of you one day, Tiger. Soon I'll be getting my ticket of leave, then Dougal will get his own land from the Governor. You'll have no hold over me then."
    "You think so?" He grunted when she struck him again. "We 'll always have a hold over each other, you and me. Something binds us together and no matter how much you deny it we'll always have this between us. I've had the sense to admit it, why don't you?"
    His head bent swiftly, his mouth covering hers with a savagery that would have frightened her if it hadn 't excited her so much.
    Isabella moaned as he deepened the kiss, possessing her, binding them as surely as he 'd stated. His hands held her fast while he feasted on her mouth.
    E very word he said was true, but she would not yield to him. Could not willingly give what he'd tossed aside with careless abandon. Could not forget he'd treated her like the whore he'd accused her of being.
    Bringi ng up one of the hands trapped between their bodies she struck him across the head. He reeled back in shock, his breathing uneven.
    "I hate you. I mean it, Tiger, leave me be. I'll carry a knife in future and if you set a finger on me I'll kill you." Wiping her swollen lips she stepped back. He let her go.
    "No need. I just wanted to see if you still tasted as sweet. You wouldn 't kill me and we both know it. You've had plenty of opportunity to get rid of me and would have done it long afore now if you'd really had a mind to." She flinched as he ran a finger across her lower lip. "And another thing, Tim's my son, and nobody can dispute it. Try to tell him I'm dead and I'll tell him the truth."
    She sneered. "Strange that a man who didn 't want to admit he had a son suddenly finds he covets the boy. You can't change your mind, Tiger. You didn't want him . . . or me."
    "A man can change his mind."
    He pushed his hair back and she noted with satisfaction his fingers were shaking. "I suppose a man like you can do just what he pleases." Her eyes narrowed with scorn.
    "That 's it, Bella. Glad you're finally learning. Oh, by the by, the Honorable Cecil Houghton sailed back to Merry England, I thought you'd be pleased to hear."
    Isabella stared at him. "He did? Last I heard he was setting up in business, dr awing together a group of like-minded Exclusives."
    "He was, but had no head for it, so I heard. Anyways, he loved gambling too much, and had not the wit for that either. Blessed if he didn't lose all his wealth at the gaming tables. Far be it from me to boast, but a fair portion of it ended up in my bank account. So, you're free of that scoundrel at least." He touched a finger to her chin and Isabella shrank back.
    "If only I were as free of you!"
    "Ah, Bella, love, the only way we'll ever be free of each other is when one or the other is dead, don't you see?" Turning on his heel he walked off, whistling.
    "Go to the devil. You belong with him," she shouted after him, not caring who heard.

    Chapter Twenty Five
    Tiger dropped Satan 's reins and rubbed his palms together. As he stroked the stallion's sleek neck he stared at the grazing flock, whose bleating filled the morning air.
    "I was sorry to see Governor Macquarie go, Gillie, but I have to own to being more than satisfied with the new Governor's ideas. With his land reforms we'll be on our way over the mountains soon, you mark my words." He looked into the hazy distance, where the mountains with their constant lure beckoned him irresistibly.
    "Aye, he 's got things moving along nicely, Tiger, I'll say that for him. Some of the squatters are a bone idle lot, setting themselves

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