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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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anywhere they wanted and then letting their boundaries get all mixed together. And they've just let too many sheep on their land without thought of it being over grazed. 'Tis getting worse than after the great caterpillar plague."
    " Governor Brisbane's new tickets of occupation are just what we needed. Now we can apply for land before it's surveyed, then once we get over the mountains we can legally claim it and a grant will be issued. At least we now have a sure idea when we can start to think about moving. I'll put the farm up for sale straight away. With all the free folk coming over from England these days I doubt I'll have trouble selling it."
    " 'Twill be good to head to new pastures, but I admit I'll be sad to leave the old place." Gillie turned in the saddle, a hand up to shield his eyes as he watched one of his dogs herd a stray lamb back towards the flock.
    "Aye." Tiger took the band of cloth from his neck and wiped hi s brow. "But think on it. Land as far as the eye can see, all lush and green. None of this over- grazed scrub. We'll be far better off."
    "Aye, but I've my doubts about the new Governor's idea—why should each landowner be forced to take on convicts?"
    "And at our own expense." Tiger chuckled. "One convict for every hun dred acres of land. I find it a good idea. All the fools who are too lazy or not ambitious enough to seek greener pastures will be stuck with more convicts than they can afford to keep."
    Gillie nodded. "Aye, true. But I have a feeling the women aren't too pleased at the idea of upping and moving."
    "I dare say our Bella will give me a piece of her mind as usual, but Thelma 's all for going. She knows she'll have a house of her own over there."
    "Aye, Thelma 's dreamed of that for a long time."
    Tiger threaded his fingers through Satan 's mane and the stallion tossed his head. Isabella barely spoke to him any more. Often he had an urge to drag her off somewhere so they could be alone. He ought to kiss her senseless, until neither of them would be able to draw enough breath to speak.
    But she was Dougal 's wife, not his to do with as he liked. God, but there were times when he was so filled with regrets thinking about it threatened his sanity.
    "Best get started on stripping these beasts of their fleece, if we 're a'gonna be taking them over them mountains soon, then," Gillie said, and Tiger brought himself back to the business at hand. Lord, there were times of late when he caught himself drifting off like a lovesick young fool panting after his first sweetheart.
    "Aye, and the cows will have to be visited by the bull, so they carry calves with them. I 'll be going into town tomorrow. I'll put the farm in the land agent's hands."
    * * *
    "Will we ever come back, Mama?" Tim asked. "It's a long way over the mountains, Tiger told me. He said it will take this many days to get there." He held both his tiny hands aloft, fingers spread.
    "Aye, 'tis a long way for sure, but we'll be back, have no fear, Tim. You and Dougie are going to attend the fine school of Doctor Halloran, I've made up my mind." Isabella smoothed his fine hair back from his brow, then ran a finger over his small frown. "His establishment is for the education of young gentlemen."
    "But we 're not gentlemen, Mama," Tim scoffed.
    "Ha. You two are going to be the finest gents in the colony. I 've made up my mind." She smiled as she hugged Dougie to her breast. Dougal didn't know it yet, nor did Tiger Carstairs, but her sons would rise higher in life than being sheep farmers. "You might even be a doctor, like Doc Neale. Would you like that Tim?"
    "No, Mama." He shook his head. "I 'm going to be a great land owner, just like Tiger."
    Isabella hid a grimace. Tiger was his idol, someone to be followed and copied in all things, good or bad.
    "Will we be attacked by wild dogs or kangaroos on the way over, Mama, do you think?"
    "Of course not. Not while we have Tiger to protect us," Isabella assured him, knowing her scorn was lost on the child.
    Tim grinned and ran off , content in the knowledge his precious Tiger would take care of him, no matter what ill befell them. Isabella often thought how strange it was that he never presumed Dougal would be their protector. Although she'd never once shown the children by act or speech how she despised Dougal, Tim somehow sensed the man he called father played only a small insignificant part in their lives. It was Tiger he turned to for guidance, information and

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