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Necessary as Blood

Necessary as Blood

Titel: Necessary as Blood Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Deborah Crombie
Vom Netzwerk:
dinner or something.‘ Hazel marched off towards the changing room, dress in hand, without giving Gemma a chance to argue further.
    A saleswoman ushered them into the mirrored cubicle, asking if there was anything else they needed.
    ‘Shoes,‘ Hazel told her, giving Gemma, who had worn jeans and flats, a critical eye. ‘You can‘t try on this dress in those. And a sexy bra and knickers.‘
    ‘Hazel, you‘ve gone completely mad,‘ Gemma protested. ‘I can‘t...‘
    ‘Just tell her your sizes.‘
    Feeling giddy, Gemma complied. It must have been the Prosecco they‘d drunk with lunch, she thought. They were both a little mad.
    Hazel carried on a whispered consultation with the saleswoman, and in what seemed a remarkably short time she came back with some lacy wisps of underwear and a shoebox.
    The bra and knickers were the same pale green as the dress, and each cream, open-toed shoe was adorned with a cream-coloured, full-petalled fabric rose.
    ‘I can‘t possibly.‘
    ‘Just put everything on.‘ Hazel went out and closed the door with a snap. ‘Tell me when you‘re ready.‘
    A few moments later Gemma called out, ‘I can‘t do the zip.‘
    Hazel and the saleswoman, who had been whispering again outside the door, came in together. ‘Breathe in,‘ Hazel commanded, and pulled up the long back zip. Then, she stepped away and gazed at Gemma in the mirror. ‘Oh,‘ she said on a sigh. ‘Oh, it‘s gorgeous.‘
    Gemma stared at her own reflection. Although she would never have chosen the dress for herself, she had to admit it was beautiful. She looked — different. ‘It‘s — I feel like a princess.‘ She smoothed the skirt.
    ‘So you should. Now, spin.‘
    Gemma spun obediently. When the dress belled out around her, she laughed aloud. Then she peered at the price tag and her spirits fell. ‘It‘s lovely, but I can‘t possibly spend this much on myself... This is ridiculous.‘
    ‘No, it‘s not, and yes, you can. If you don‘t buy it for yourself — and the shoes, and the knickers — I‘ll buy them for you.‘ Hazel glanced at her watch. ‘And you‘re wearing everything home. I‘ve just realized I‘m late picking up Holly. Can we just snip the tags off?‘ she added to the saleswoman.
    ‘Hazel, don‘t be daft.‘
    ‘I‘m not. Duncan and the kids will absolutely love it. Wait and see.‘

    It was only in the car on the way back to Notting Hill that Gemma said, ‘Hazel, that was the only dress in that colour on display, and it just happened to be in my size. Not to mention that the shoes were perfect. I‘d almost think you picked them out beforehand.‘
    ‘Nonsense. I just have good shopping karma.‘ Hazel seemed very focused on her driving.
    ‘You didn‘t buy a thing.‘
    ‘Next time. This was your day.‘
    When they reached St John‘s Gardens there seemed an unusual number of cars parked in the street, but Hazel was able to find a spot for her Golf. They got out and walked to the house, Gemma thinking, as she so often did, how much she loved the place. Just as they reached the door, Hazel said, ‘Oh, I forgot my phone. You go on.‘
    Gemma opened the door and stepped inside. She heard a childish shriek, and a hum of conversation that suddenly fell still. Looking round, she saw that the house was filled with people.
    She gazed in shock at all the familiar faces — in the dining room and sitting room, spilling out of the kitchen — all staring back at her with ear-splitting grins. Tim and Holly. Melody. Doug Cullen. Gemma‘s boss from work, Mark Lamb, and his wife Diane. Duncan‘s guv‘nor, Denis Childs, and his wife. Her sister and brother-in-law. Her niece and nephew. Erika, and Erika‘s friend Henri. Wesley, Betty and Charlotte. And, sitting stiffly on chairs in the dining room, her parents.
    Hazel was behind her now, pushing her gently forward. Toby thundered down the stairs, shouting, ‘She‘s here, she‘s here!‘ He wore a white shirt and his school trousers, as did Kit, who followed him.
    Duncan appeared from the kitchen and came to meet her. He, too, was smartly dressed, in a suit she didn‘t recognize. But, unlike the others, he looked anxious. Kissing her on the cheek, he said, ‘Hello, love. You look absolutely brilliant.‘
    ‘I don‘t understand,‘ she said. ‘I didn‘t... What‘s going on? Has something happened? Is it someone‘s birthday?‘
    ‘No, it‘s a wedding.‘
    ‘In our house?‘ She felt completely baffled.

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