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Only 04 - Only Love

Only 04 - Only Love

Titel: Only 04 - Only Love Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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isn’t that unkind, no matter how hard the wanderlust is riding him,” Willow said. “He’ll be back.”
    “Will he?” Shannon said. “Some men love gold, some men love the sea, and some love only the horizon they’ve never seen. Whip is hearing that sunrise calling him.”
    “All he mentioned to me,” Caleb said, “was getting gold out of a hard rock mine. He was hell-bent on it. He went to Reno for advice.”
    “Yondering requires money,” Shannon pointedout. “Whip probably needs some. He refused to take wages from me.”
    “Whip has more gold than he knows what to do with,” Willow said. “Ingots of Spanish gold so pure you can mark it with your fingernail.”
    Shannon looked startled. “I didn’t know that. Then why is he going to Reno to find out how to dig more gold?”
    “If Whip offered you his own gold to buy supplies or a home in a safer place than Echo Basin, would you accept it?” Caleb asked.
    “Never,” Shannon said softly. “I’m a widow, not a harlot to be bought by any man with an itch in one pocket and gold in the other.”
    Caleb smiled slightly and nodded, unsurprised.
    “Why don’t you stick around until Whip comes back?” he asked. “You shouldn’t ride all the way to the basin alone.”
    “No, thank you. My dog was injured defending me from the Culpeppers. I should have gone back days ago.”
    “Stay,” Willow said quickly. “Whip has…tenderness toward you. He might…”
    “Settle down?” Shannon whispered, shaking her head and smiling sadly. “Only love could hold Whip, and Whip loves only the sunrise he hasn’t seen.”

    W HIP rode up to the small home whose finishing touches were still being completed. When he reined in his tired horse, a young woman with hair and eyes the color of pure gold came running out of the kitchen. She leaped lightly off the low porch that ran the length of the house and smiled up at Whip.
    “It is you! What a lovely surprise! Reno thought the yondering urge must have come over you again and taken you to the far side of the earth.”
    “Not yet, Eve. I’ve got some gold to dig, first.”
    “You? Gold?”
    The startled look on Eve’s face made Whip smile despite the bleak emotions knotting his gut. The long ride from his sister’s ranch hadn’t eased his temper or his pain one bit.
    “I thought you hated gold mining even worse than Caleb does,” Eve said.
    “I do,” Whip said as he dismounted.
    “Then why—”
    Eve’s breath broke when Whip turned toward her and she got a close look at his face.
    “What’s wrong?” Eve demanded anxiously. “It’s not Willow, is it? Or the baby? Is—”
    “Everything’s fine at the Black ranch,” Whip interrupted.
    “Then what has you looking so grim around the mouth?”
    “Nothing some gold won’t fix. Where’s Reno?”
    “Right behind you,” Reno said.
    “Yeah, I thought so,” Whip said, turning around. “Someone has been watching me ever since I forded the river.”
    Reno smiled. “Great view we have from our house. Saw you coming from a long way off.”
    “Nice of you not to shoot.”
    “Once I got that bullwhip in my sights, it was tempting,” Reno agreed, deadpan. “But then I got to thinking you might be bringing some of Willy’s biscuits to share around.”
    “All I’m bringing is an empty belly and a favor to ask of you,” Whip said bluntly.
    “That explains the look on your face. You always did look about as friendly as a wounded grizzly when you were hungry.”
    While Reno spoke, he glanced at Sugarfoot through narrowed green eyes. The horse’s coat showed signs of having sweated and dried several times since the animal was last curried. The way the gelding tugged at the reins, trying to get close to grass, said that the horse was as hungry as its rider. And as tired.
    “You and Sugarfoot both look like you’ve been rode hard and put away wet,” Reno said.
    “I left Cal’s ranch just before supper yesterday.”
    Reno’s black eyebrows shot up. “You must have ridden most of the night.”
    Whip shrugged.
    “I’ll help you see to Sugarfoot,” Reno said, “while Eve makes something for you to eat.”
    As soon as the two brothers reached the pole corral, Reno turned to Whip.
    “All right. Let’s have it,” Reno said bluntly. “What’s wrong?”
    “Like I told Eve. Nothing that some gold won’t cure.”
    “One of those Spanish bars is buried right under your feet. If I dig it up, will it put the light back in your

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