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Only 04 - Only Love

Only 04 - Only Love

Titel: Only 04 - Only Love Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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    “What are you doing here?” Shannon asked.
    “What the hell do you think I’m doing?” Whip asked bitterly, reining in just short of Shannon’s toes. “I’m chasing a girl who has no better sense than to leave a fine home and come back to a miserable shack where she’ll like as not starve to death this winter, if she doesn’t freeze first!”
    “You left out the part where a grizzly eats her,” Cherokee said dryly. “But since she’ll be froze to death first, it don’t make no never mind, do it?”
    “That’s not true,” Shannon retorted. “I’ve lived alone here for—”
    “Howdy, Whip,” Cherokee called cheerfully, overwhelming Shannon’s words. “Nice horse you got. Look of speed about him.”
    Whip didn’t even look away from Shannon when he spoke. He did, however, scratch the ears of the hound that had put his front paws on Whip’s thigh and was panting happily up into his face.
    “I left Sugarfoot to graze around the damned hovel Shannon calls home,” Whip said. “This is one of Wolfe Lonetree’s horses.”
    “Thought so. Get down and set awhile.”
    “Thank you, no,” Whip said, still not looking away from Shannon. “Likely it will be snowing before we get back to Silent John’s leaky old shack.”
    “It’s not leaky,” Shannon retorted.
    “Only because I shoved half the mountainside into the cracks,” Whip shot back.
    Cherokee snickered. “Well, children, I’ll leave you to it. My bones ain’t up to the chill.”
    With that, Cherokee backed away and shut the cabin door against the cold, questing wind.
    “Can Prettyface make it to your shack?” Whip asked.
    “You’re the man with all the answers, what do you think?” Shannon retorted.
    “I think you’re a damned fool.”
    “How quaint. Cherokee thinks the same of you. So do I. You’ve had a long ride for nothing, Whip Moran.” Shannon’s head came up, giving Whip a clear view of her eyes. “I’m not going back to the Black ranch.”
    Whip hissed a foreign word between his teeth. Not until he saw the anger in Shannon’s eyes did he admit how much he had wanted to see joy because he was back.
    Cherokee is right. I’m a damned fool.
    “Get on the mule,” Whip said curtly.
    Shannon spun on her heel and stalked toward the mule she had named Cully. She mounted swiftly, unaware of her own grace.
    Whip was aware of it. Just seeing her walk raised undiluted hell with his body.
    Deliberately Whip looked away.
    “If Prettyface starts limping, holler,” Whip said curtly. “He can ride across my saddle. Moccasin won’t mind. Wolfe breaks his horses to take anything in their stride.”
    Shannon reined Cully in behind Whip’s horse. It was a lean, longmuscled chestnut with the look of a hard ride just behind it.
    The man looked the same.
    By the time they reached the cabin, Shannon was stiff from the cold wind and the emotions churning behind her expressionless face. She dismounted, stumbled, and reached out wildly.
    Whip grabbed her. Though he was wearing gloves and Shannon was wearing heavy clothes, he swore he could feel her heat and sweetness radiating up to him, setting him on fire. Her eyelashes trembled, then opened fully, revealing eyes whose hunger and confusion matched his own.
    But there was no confusion about one thing. Shannon was his. All Whip had to do was take her.
    With a vicious word, Whip set Shannon on her feet and backed away even as she reached for him.
    “No,” he said coldly. “Don’t touch me.”
    Stunned, she froze in place, her hands held out to him, the love she felt for him so clear in her that Whip couldn’t bear looking at her. Nor could he force himself to stop.
    “I mean it,” Whip said fiercely. “ Don’t touch me .I came here to dig gold, not to dig a deeper hole with you. When Reno and I find enough gold to see you through the winter, I’m gone. Do you hear me, Shannon? I’m gone! You can’t hold me with your body. Don’t even try.”
    Waves of hurt and humiliation swept through Shannon, making her cheeks alternately pale and flushed.
    “Yes,” Shannon whispered through trembling lips. “I hear you, Whip. You won’t have to say it again. Ever. I’ll hear you pushing me away until the day I die.”
    Whip closed his eyes against the humiliation he saw in Shannon’s eyes, her face, her whole body. He hadn’t meant to hurt her like that. He had just felt a cage door closing and had lashed out without thinking about the

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