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Override (Glitch)

Override (Glitch)

Titel: Override (Glitch) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Heather Anastasiu
Vom Netzwerk:
and immediately closed my eyes to focus on the flavor. The beef seemed to melt on my tongue, it was so tender and juicy. I’d never had anything like it in my entire life. When Adrien said Community rations, I thought he meant the hard bread and protein patties I’d eaten every morning of my life, not this. A low groan escaped my throat.
    I looked back up at him. He hadn’t even taken a bite yet. He was just watching me. I blushed slightly and ducked my head.
    We ate quietly for several minutes, both of us enjoying the sumptuous flavors.
    “Remember how you used to explain emotion words to me?” I asked after I’d finished the last of the meat.
    He nodded.
    “I’ve been experiencing emotion for long enough now that I think I understand most of them, but every now and then another one will surprise me.”
    He smiled. “Like what?”
    “Like this right now.” I put my hand to my chest. “I feel warm and happy, but that doesn’t quite seem to describe it. It’s something more than that. What do you call it?”
    Adrien’s face turned thoughtful, his eyebrows drawn together. He took a drink of champagne before answering. “I think,” he said tentatively, “I think it’s contentment. Where you have everything you ever wanted, all together in one place. It’s quieter than excitement, but,” he swallowed, “maybe it’s better.”
    “Contentment,” I said, trying the word out on my tongue.
    “I haven’t had a lot of it in my life,” he said. “It’s new to me, too.”
    “When was the last time you felt this content?”
    His face darkened and he shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. My past isn’t me.” His tone sounded strangely resolute. “All that matters is who I am now. Who I am when I’m with you.”
    I stood up and walked over to him, not hesitating before I leaned over and swooped in to kiss him. I could feel his surprise, but he quickly opened his soft lips to mine, his hands gently cupping my face.
    I dropped into his lap, feeling pleasure bloom inside me. He slid his hands down my jaw and pulled me tighter. Something inside me began to soar, and my power buzzed to life. Instead of releasing it uncontrollably, it hummed inside my chest, sparking down my spine like electricity. Every inch of me felt alive and wild.
    Reluctantly, I released his lips, and looked around. Even though we were alone, anyone could walk in. I pulled his hand to stand up and follow me. “Come on,” I whispered.
    Since we were already in the training room, we didn’t have far to go to the equipment closet. We didn’t touch as we walked across the room, but I felt the anticipation building. I pushed the button to open the door and tugged him over to the corner, grabbing a training mat from a shelf as I went. I tossed the mat on the ground in the corner. As soon as the door closed behind us, I pulled my top off over my head, then turned to him.
    I didn’t say anything more, just grabbed the bottom edge of his shirt, lingering for a moment to touch the skin at his waist. Then I stood up on my tiptoes to pull it over his head.
    Adrien stared at me, his warm blue-green eyes full of heat, though the corner of his lips turned down with a touch of uncertainty.
    “Zoe, wait—” he started saying, but I shook my head. He lifted his arms up to help me take his shirt off in spite of his protests. I paused, breathless and excited. His chest was lean and tanned, and taut with tension. He looked wiry but strong. I traced my finger down along his collar bone, down the small dipping line in the middle of his chest, then down his stomach to his navel. A shudder rippled though his body at my touch.
    He wrapped one arm around my waist, burying his other hand in my hair. He cupped the back of my head and looked in my eyes. “You drive me crazy. All I want to do is make everything around us stop so I can just be with you. But I don’t know if it’s right…”
    I knew the look on his face. It was one I’d seen more and more lately. It was like he was fighting something deep inside himself. I held my breath, hoping that just this once he could forget about destiny and the future and everything else. His eyes were so bright. He closed them briefly, and then he grabbed the waistband of my skirt and pulled me close, crushing me to him, his mouth hot and passionate.
    The sudden release was overwhelming. It lit me up and I opened my mouth to his searching tongue. He was gentle one moment, then rough and needy, then pulling

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