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Override (Glitch)

Override (Glitch)

Titel: Override (Glitch) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Heather Anastasiu
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finished putting on the helmet and sealing the suit shut. “That was fast,” I looked up at Xona. “What happened to Saminsa? Is she…” I couldn’t quite bring myself to ask.
    Xona sat backward on one of the chairs at the desk. “When we got to the north corridor, Saminsa was already on the ground unconscious. There was some kind of gas that had been released from the vents.”
    “Did Taylor get you masks?” I asked in confusion.
    “Nah, most of it had been suctioned up by the time we got there. And Taylor said whatever was left in the air was harmless to non-glitchers. That it just might make us feel tired for a couple hours.”
    I felt my mouth go dry. Taylor had developed something that could take down a glitcher but was harmless to others? I’d known General Taylor didn’t trust glitchers … but this? She’d set up security measures against us in our own home.
    “So Saminsa’s still alive?” I finally managed to ask.
    Xona nodded. “Cole picked her up and carried her to the Med Center. Doc said she’d keep her sedated for the time being.”
    “And then what? They can’t just keep her knocked out forever.”
    Xona shrugged.
    *   *   *
    All the next day, I couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility that Taylor had developed some kind of chemical weapon against glitchers. As disturbing as it was that she’d set it up here in the Foundation to use against us whenever she saw fit, I couldn’t ignore the fact that it meant we might finally have a chance against the Chancellor. I didn’t understand why we hadn’t already set up a mission. I could get close enough to administer it, then the rest of my team could follow me in as backup without fear of her compulsion.
    Instead of going to lunch with everybody else, I headed toward Taylor’s office to talk to her about it. I was still in the suit while they repaired a cracked pipe in the air-filtration system and didn’t feel like eating through a straw anyway.
    When I knocked on Taylor’s door, though, there was no answer. I stood outside her office for a minute feeling frustrated, then went to the Med Center. Jilia was the one who had activated the gas that had taken Saminsa down—surely she knew something about it.
    But I slowed to a stop outside the open Med Center door when I heard voices inside.
    “Henk, you know what she’s doing is wrong, but you’re building it for her anyway.” It was Jilia talking. I leaned in closer, though I was careful to stay clear of the entryway.
    “I don’t know anythin’ of the sort.” Henk’s voice responded. “Revolution’s the only way to bring it all down, so we all can start over. We finally got the tech to make it happen. The Kill Switch Op is our chance.” His tone was hopeful, urgent. “Maybe even give you and me a chance to get a fresh start.”
    I heard Jilia’s feet tapping the floor, like she was walking away. “But at what cost?”
    “Do you wanna sit here and see another generation enslaved? You think all those drones ain’t mostly dead already? Gettin’ that adult V-chip is the same as a death sentence. They just make the corpses walk around a few more years so they can work till they drop.”
    There was a pause and some shuffling, then Henk lowered his voice. I could just barely make out his words.
    “It’s our best chance to end the war and save countless lives. Taylor’s finally tracked down the missing component. She’s out gettin’ it right now. I’ll finish the device up for her, then you and me can get out of here. You could keep doin’ your research, you don’t have to see one bit o’ blood. We’ll hide out somewhere till it’s all settled.”
    “I’m a doctor, Henk. If Taylor goes through with this, they’ll need me more than ever.”
    “Tell me you’ll at least think about it.” Henk’s voice was low and insistent.
    I didn’t hear Jilia’s response. I backed away as Henk’s footsteps came toward the doorway, wincing at the squeak my shoe made on the tile. When he reached the door, I reversed my direction, hoping it looked like I’d just arrived.
    “Hi Henk,” I said, trying to smile and do my best to pretend everything was fine.
    “Hey,” he said back as he brushed past me.
    I stepped into the Med Center, but suddenly didn’t know what to say after the conversation I’d overheard. Taylor was obviously planning something big, but if it was about taking down the Chancellor, why hadn’t she briefed my team on it?
    “Is there

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