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Override (Glitch)

Override (Glitch)

Titel: Override (Glitch) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Heather Anastasiu
Vom Netzwerk:
Xona scoffed, looking up. “She wouldn’t risk starting another D-day.”
    “Maybe she would if she were desperate,” I said.
    Tyryn pointed to the top diagram. “It’s clearly a nuke, and it’s a big one.”
    “Where would she even get nuclear material from?” Xona asked. “It’s the most carefully regulated and guarded substance on the globe after D-day.”
    My eyes widened as I made the connection. “Like something the Underchancellor of Defense would have access to. What if this is what General Taylor was after in the raid?” My mind spun. Henk had told Jilia that Taylor had tracked down the missing component. And that he was building the rest of the device for her. Henk, who was the Rez’s weapons specialist. All the pieces clicked into place. I put a hand over my stomach. I was going to be sick.
    “What would be her target anyway?” Tyryn asked, his eyebrows furrowed. “It’s not like Comm Corp is a snake you can kill just by cutting the head off. Uppers are spread out in cities all over the Sector.”
    “And in other Sectors across the globe,” Ginni said.
    “Maybe she doesn’t care about killing the snake.” I thought about Adrien and his visions. “She wants to do something big, to make a difference. Maybe she simply wants to do the most damage she can.”
    “Here’s the trajectory path,” Cole said. He picked up one paper on the end and put it in the middle. The page was filled with numbers and readouts that were gibberish to me.
    “You understand it?” I asked Cole.
    He nodded.
    “What’s the target, then?” Xona asked.
    “That’s what’s strange.” He frowned. “These altitudes. It looks like they’re planning to launch it up out of the atmosphere, but without it ever coming down.”
    “What’s the point in that?” I asked.
    Cole stared, his eyes widening in understanding. “It’s an EMP.”
    “A what?” Ginni asked.
    “Electromagnetic pulse,” Cole said. “It’s a burst of magnetic energy that disrupts electrical fields. You make one by detonating a nuclear weapon outside the earth’s atmosphere.” He pointed at the page with all the numbers. “And this one, set to detonate three hundred miles up, could burn out every electronic circuit over the entire continent. The radiation wouldn’t affect humans physically, but all the energy grids would fail. All of Sector Six would go dark.”
    “But what’s the point?” Ginni asked, cocking her head to the side.
    “The EMP is the point,” Xona cut in. “Don’t you get it?” We all looked at her. “Zoe, you said they were calling the operation Kill Switch. Think about it. Fry all the electronic circuits, and you fry all the V-chips.”
    My mouth dropped open. Ginni’s head swung back and forth as she looked around the room at our stunned faces.
    “What is it? What am I missing?” she asked. “Isn’t that a good thing? All the drones will finally be free of their hardware. They’ll be able to think and live and feel like us. Isn’t that what we want?”
    “Not the adults,” I said. “Everyone older than eighteen relies on the adult V-chip to regulate their limbic functions. It controls them completely. Without it, they’ll all die.”
    Ginni gasped.
    Cole shook his head in disgust. “It would be mass murder.”
    “So all the teenagers and kids are freed from the Link, and the adults are made catatonic or killed,” Xona said. “But that doesn’t make them free from the Community. What are they supposed to do?”
    I remembered the rest of what I’d overheard. “Start a revolution against the Uppers who’ve been controlling them this whole time. Drones outnumber Uppers fifty to one. If there were some way to organize everyone quickly, they could fight back and defeat the Uppers. They could help us finally win the war.”
    Tyryn ran a hand over his head. “It’s not a bad plan.”
    “It’s not worth the cost,” Cole spoke up angrily. I looked over at him. I’d never seen so much emotion displayed on his features.
    Tyryn’s lips tightened. “The Rez is getting stamped out. Children and whole families are being murdered. So many have already died.” His eyes flicked over to Xona and then back down. “In a way, the adult drones are lost already to the V-chip. There’s no way for them to ever be normal again.”
    Henk had said the same thing when he was talking to Jilia. If the adult V-chip was like a death sentence, was it still murder to shorten the adult drones’ lives by a few

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