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Titel: Rescue Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jeremiah Healy
Vom Netzwerk:
creepy. He didn’t make a move, didn’t say a word, just watched me. I heard the shower stop, and I called out to Lutrice—I didn’t want to hit the panic button.“
    “The panic button?“
    “There’re a couple of them around the unit, wired into Leo’s panel downstairs. If I have a problem up here—“
    “Got it. So, you didn’t call Leo.“
    “No. But Lutrice came out, wrapped in a towel, and said to me, ‘I’ve really had enough, honey, and I’m all cleaned up—“ Then she saw the redhead. And she said, ‘It’s paid for up to the hour, honey,’ but she was looking at the redhead this time, not at me.“
    “And he took advantage of it.“
    “With a condom. He didn’t like it, but I told him no way otherwise, and Lutrice told him, too. Almost like she was kind of relieved to hear me insist on it?“
    “And then?“
    “And then she watched.“
    “Yeah, and I had the feeling she got off again, too, because she went back into the bathroom afterwards.“
    “With the redhead?“
    “Oh, no. No, that...“ A puzzled look crossed the violet eyes. “I’m not sure just how to say this, but I got the feeling she couldn’t think of him as kind of... doing anything with her directly. It was more that he was one of the help, driving her to the restaurant and maybe not sitting to eat with her but getting some of the dessert she couldn’t finish on her own?“
    Lutrice say anything about the Church or her husband?“
    “No. No, like I said, with the wig and all, she was trying real hard not to let on who she was, like driving all the way up here for... the kicking back.“
    “And that was the only time you saw her?“
    “I’m not sure you can tell this, but did you think she’d visited any other...“
    “Therapists like me?“
    “Why would she, after having me?“
    “Maybe before you, I mean.“
    “Not that she mentioned. And the way she moved in bed here, she wanted it so bad that it was a while before I was doing anything really... special to her.“
    I nodded again.
    Zoe said, “I’ll tell you this, though. I’d bet I know why she hasn’t been back.“
    “And that is?“
    “She’s found herself a... stand-up guy?“ v
    I found myself wondering who that might be. Deputy Billups maybe, providing more than security? “Anything else you can think of that might help me?“
    The slow blink. “Oh, lots of things, sugar.“
    “Thanks anyway.“
    “You sure? Still got half an hour on the meter/’
    I said, “What I’ve gotten so far is worth the money.“
    “Where were you when I was twenty-two?“
    “That would depend on when you were twenty-two.“
    The slow smile. “Just get out of here, before I make a fool of myself.“

    Actually, Zoe hadn’t told me a lot that was worth much. I couldn’t see where Severn being off the wagon was any leverage if Lutrice obviously knew about it, and besides, he was dead now. Also, I couldn’t use Lutrice’s frolic as leverage with her or the Reverend without Lutrice being tipped that I’d gotten the information from Zoe. That left me with the “stand-up guy“ possibility, which looked pretty thin.
    It had been a long drive up to Miami , and it figured to be an even longer drive back to Mercy Key. I thought of a way that the trip wouldn’t be a complete waste.

    “Hey, how you doing, John Francis?“
    “I’m doing well, Pepe.“
    He stood on the house side of the gate, taking a little box from his pants pocket and aiming it at the lock. “You find us all right, eh?“
    “The funny pink skyscraper is a good landmark.“
    The gate swung open. “I told you. Mr. Vega, he not home yet. You want to come in, wait for him?“
    “No, thanks. Actually, I wanted to see you.“
    “Me? How come?“
    I moved closer to him. “I need another gun.“
    “Another gun?“
    “What happen to the last one I got you, man?“
    “Let’s just say I broke it.“
    “Broke it?“
    Pepe scratched the side of his head with the remote device. “Gonna take me a couple hours, set it up.“
    “I’d rather not wait inside.“
    “Uh-unh. I rather not, too. Tell you what, there’s this nice sports bar a mile from here, got all the cable. Watch yourself some Sunday Night Football, I get you what you need.“
    “Football doesn’t start till eight, Pepe.“
    “I need the gun before that.“
    “Yes. Another revolver, with a calf holster this time, if your friend

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