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River’s End

River’s End

Titel: River’s End Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Nora Roberts
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he tried to juggle an idea out of his mind. When it came, it was so simple, so perfect, he grinned. “I know how to take care of what’s mine, too,” he murmured. And hoping she’d cooled off, he went to find Olivia.
    She hadn’t cooled off. In fact, she was nursing her temper as a devoted mother would a fretful baby. She’d take spit-in-his-eye temper over the sick, shaky panic she felt every time her office phone rang.
    So she nurtured it, she used it, she all but wallowed in it.
    When Noah walked into her office, she got to her feet, slowly, her eyes cold, steady. Like a gunfighter, she shot fast and from the hip.
    “Get your sorry ass out of my office. And off MacBride property. If you’re not checked out and gone inside of ten minutes, I’m calling the cops and having you charged with assault.”
    “You’ll never make it stick,” he said with a cheer he knew would infuriate her. “I’m the one with the bruises. Don’t swear,” he added quickly and shut the door at his back. “There’re young, impressionable children out there. Now, I’ve got a deal for you.”
    “A deal for me?” She bared her teeth in a snarl, then jerked back when the phone rang.
    Before she could move, Noah snatched it off the hook himself. “River’s End Naturalist Center. Ms. MacBride’s office. This is Raoul, her personal assistant. I’m sorry, she’s in a meeting. Would you like—”
    “Idiot.” She hissed at him and wrestled the phone out of his hand. “This is Olivia MacBride.”
    Noah shrugged, then wandered around the room as she dealt with business. When she ended the conversation, then said nothing, he checked the soil of a nicely blooming African violet. “I’ve been thinking about taking a few days to get away from technology,” he decided. “To test myself. Man against nature, you know.” He looked back.
    She was still standing, but she had her hands linked together now. The fire had gone out of her eyes, leaving them carefull) blank.
    “I’d think less of you if you weren’t afraid, because then I’c think you were stupid.”
    He said it quietly, with just the slightesl edge of annoyance. How could he see so much, she wondered, without even seeming to look?
    “I’m not a damsel in distress. I can take care of myself.”
    “Good, because I’m hoping you’ll be looking after me the next few days. I want to do some hiking and camping in the backcountry.”
    Her laugh came fast and was none too flattering. “The hell you do.”
    “Three days. You and me.” He held up a finger before she could laugh again. “We get away for a while. You do what you do best. And so do I. You’d agreed to interviews, so we’ll talk. This place is something you love, and I want you to show it to me. I want to see what you see when you look at it.”
    “For the book.”
    “No, for me. I want to be alone with you.”
    She could feel her resolve, and her temper, melting. “I’ve rethought that situation, and I’m not interested.”
    “Yes, you are.” Unoffended, he took her hand, skimming his thumb over her knuckles. “You’re just mad at me because I outmuscled you last night. Actually, it wasn’t—” He broke off as he glanced down at her hand and saw the faint trail of bruises just above her wrist. “I guess I’m not the only one with bruises.” He lifted her wrist, kissed it. “Sorry.”
    “Cut it out.” She slapped his hand away. “All right, I’m mad because you saw me at my worst, my weakest, and I let you see it. I’m mad because you wouldn’t leave me alone, and I’m mad because I like being with you even when you irritate me.”
    “You can count on staying mad for a while, then. I’m not going anywhere until we figure everything out. Let’s go play in the forest, Livvy.”
    “I have work.”
    “I’m a paying client. And as part of the deal, you can give me a list of what I need and I’ll buy what’s available at the lodge. Between the guide fee and the equipment, you’re going to take in a couple of grand easy. Delegate, Liv. You know you can.”
    “You also need backcountry permits.”
    “What’ll they think of next?”
    “Twenty-four hours, you’ll be crying for your laptop.”
    “Hundred bucks.”
    “Deal.” He gave her hand a squeeze.
    He hadn’t expected her to send over a list that included wardrobe, detailing down to how many pairs of socks and underwear she recommended he take for the trip. It was like being twelve again and getting a

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