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River’s End

River’s End

Titel: River’s End
Autoren: Nora Roberts
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was her grandmother who concerned her most. But the crisis appeared to have steadied Val. She sat, shoulders straight, eyes alert, mouth hard.
    “As long as it takes. You’re going to want to avoid going out alone, staying in groups as much as possible. And start locking the doors.”
    Olivia had had time to settle, time to think. So she nodded. “There really isn’t anything we can do. is there?”
    He remembered the little girl hiding in the closet, and the way she’d reached out to him. She was a woman now. and this time he couldn’t just pick her up and take her to safety. “I’m going to be as honest with you as I can. Livvy. So far, he hasn’t done anything we can push him on.”
    “Stalking.” Noah snapped out. “Trespassing. Breaking and entering.”
    “First you have to prove it.” Frank held up a hand. “If we manage to do that, the police might be able to hassle him, but not much more. A phone call with no specific threat, a gift and a flower put into an unlocked house. He could argue that he just wanted to make contact with the daughter he hasn’t seen in twenty years. There’s no law against it.”
    “He’s a murderer.” Rob stopped his restless pacing and laid a hand on Olivia’s shoulder.
    “Who’s served his time. And the fact is . . .” Frank scanned the faces in the room. “The contact may be all he wants.”
    “Then why didn’t he speak to me, over the phone?”
    Frank focused on Olivia. She was a little pale, but holding up well. Underneath the composure, he imagined her nerves were screaming. “I can’t get into his head. I never could. Maybe that’s why I could never put this one aside.”
    You’re what’s left of Julie, Frank thought. All he has left of her. And you’re what helped put him away. And she knew it. He could see the knowledge of it burning in her eyes.
    “What we can do is ask the local police to do some checking,” he continued. “Do what they can to find out if Tanner’s in the area.”
    Olivia nodded again, kept her hands still in her lap. “And if he is?”
    “They’ll talk to him.” And so will I, Frank thought. “If he contacts you, let me know about it right away. If there’s more, we may be able to push on the stalking.” He hesitated, then got to his feet. “Remember one thing, Livvy. He’s on your ground. Out of his element. And he’s alone. You’re not.”
    It bolstered her, as it was meant to. She rose as well. “I’m glad you’re here.” She smiled at Celia. “Both of you.”
    “We all are.” Val stepped forward. “I hope you’ll stay for dinner.”
    “You have so much on your mind,” Celia began.
    “We’d like you to stay.” Val laid a hand on Celia’s arm, and there was a plea in her eye, woman to woman.
    “Then why don’t I give you a hand? I haven’t had a chance to tell you how much I like your home.” As they started out, with Celia’s arm draped over Val’s shoulders, Olivia wondered who was leading whom.
    “I haven’t even offered you a drink.” Rob struggled to slip into the role of host. “What can I get you?”
    Coffee, Frank started to say. He always drank coffee when he was working. But Olivia moved to Rob, slid her arm through his. “We have a really lovely Fume Blanc. Noah’s fond of good wine. Why don’t you make yourselves comfortable while we open a bottle?”
    “That would be nice. Wouldn’t mind stretching my legs a bit first. Noah, why don’t we take a walk?”
    He wanted to object, to keep Olivia in sight. But it had been more order than request, and he knew there was a reason for it. “Sure. We’ll take a look at Mr. MacBride’s garden so you can mourn your own failure.” As much for himself as to make a point, he turned to Olivia, brushed a kiss over her mouth. “Be right back.”
    Frank waited until they were outside. Even as they stepped off the porch, his eyes were scanning. “I take it there’s more between you and Livvy than the book.”
    “I’m in love with her. I’m going to marry her.”
    The sudden hitch in his step had Frank coming up short, blowing out a breath. “Next time, son, remember my age and tell me to sit down first.”
    Noah was braced for a fight, craved one. “You have a problem with that?”
    “No, anything but.” Calmly, Frank studied his son’s face. “But it sounds like you do.”
    “I brought this on her.”
    “No. No, you didn’t.” Deliberately he moved away from the house, wanting to be certain their voices didn’t
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