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Rules of Prey

Rules of Prey

Titel: Rules of Prey Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: John Sandford
Vom Netzwerk:
and the producer said he’d call the news director about not using the tape of the fight.”
    Jennifer shook her head. “My God, Lucas, sometimes you are so naive. You’re supposed to know all about this mediastuff, right? But there was no way they wouldn’t use that tape. Man, that’s terrific action. Big gunfight and two people dead and a police lieutenant beating the crap out of his brother cop who caused it? That tape will probably make the network news tonight.”
    “Ah, fuck.” He slumped on the couch and ran his fingers through his hair.
    Jennifer softened and touched him on the crown of the head.
    “So I came over here to see if we could use you one more time. And I do mean use. ”
    “We’d like to get a joint interview with you and Carla Ruiz. You talking about what you know about the killer, with Ruiz chipping in about the attack. Ellie Carlson will do the interview. I’m producing.”
    “Why now?”
    “The truth? Because if we don’t have something heavy to promo for tonight, McGowan and Channel Eight are going to kick us so bad that we’ll hurt for weeks. They’ll do it anyway, but with a joint interview we might keep a respectable piece of the audience, for at least one of the news shows. Especially if we promo it right.”
    “Is this sweeps week?”
    “You got it.”
    “I’ll have to talk to the chief.”
    Daniel was gloomy, withdrawn. He gestured Lucas to a chair and turned his own chair, staring out his office window at the street.
    “I saw the interview tape on Channel Eight. Taking the blame. Nice try.”
    “I thought it might help.”
    “Fat chance. I gave Cochrane two weeks’ administrative leave with pay, told him to stay away from the media, get his face fixed up. You really clobbered him.”
    “I’ll try to find him, talk to him,” Lucas said.
    “I don’t know,” Daniel said. “Maybe it’d be better if you just stayed away for a while.”
    Lucas shifted uncomfortably. “This is a bad time to talk about it, but Jennifer Carey wants a joint interview with me and Carla Ruiz. She’s up-front about it. It’s because of the sweeps this week. But she thinks if they can get some tape, promo it, it might cut down on Channel Eight’s impact. At least we’d get something positive out there.”
    “Go ahead, if you want,” Daniel said. He didn’t seem to care much, and continued staring out at the street.
    “Did the guys out at the scene get anything we can use?”
    “Not that they told me about,” Daniel said. They sat in silence for a moment, then Daniel sighed and swung his chair around.
    “Homicide isn’t going to catch the guy, unless it’s by accident,” he said. “With this close call, we might scare him off for a week, or two weeks, but he’ll be back. Or maybe he’ll leave town and start somewhere else. You know something? I don’t want him to do that. I want to nail him here. And you’re going to have to do it. The McGowan thing was a disaster, all right, but I keep thinking, not a total disaster. I keep thinking that Davenport figured the guy out. And if he did it once, maybe he can do it again. Maybe . . . I don’t know.”
    “I don’t have an idea in my fuckin’ head,” Lucas said.
    “You’re messed up,” Daniel said. “But it’ll go away. Your head will start working again.”
    “You’re wrong about the way we’ll break it,” Lucas said. “It won’t happen because I figured him out, because I haven’t. When we get him, we’ll get him on a piece of luck.”
    “I hate to depend on luck; I’d hoped we could come up with something a little more reliable.”
    “There isn’t anything reliable, not in this world,” Lucas said. “The maddog’s had a fantastic game. Ruiz should have been able to tell us more than she did—I mean, she actually had her hands on him. If she’d pulled away his mask . . . We should have gotten a better description out of the attack on Brown. I keep thinking: If only Sparks had been on the otherside of the street. He might have seen him full-face. I keep thinking: If only Lewis had written the guy’s name on her calendar. Or if she had written anything about him. We should have nailed him at McGowan’s; when he got away, we should have been able to freeze his car, if it really is a Thunderbird. He’s been incredibly lucky. But there’s one certainty in the world of game-playing: luck will turn. It always does. When we get him, we’ll get him on a piece of

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