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Running Wild

Running Wild

Titel: Running Wild Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Joely Skye
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rattled by the Pete thing, but God this was a lovely distraction. Ri didn’t pull Seamus closer. Instead, he skated one hand down Seamus’s arm, while the other skimmed over his collarbone and breastbone before rising to touch his face.
    “You’re so…” Ri stumbled over whatever word he was striving for. Seamus turned his mouth towards that hand and kissed the palm. They hadn’t kissed yet.
    That thought left Seamus when he looked at Ri’s face. He saw a yearning there. Also a kind of helplessness.
As if he didn’t know what to do. Something twisted inside Seamus, guilt and something harder, like pain, that this was so difficult and yet the wanting so clear.
“Hey.” He scooted closer, basically into Ri’s lap so they were facing each other, and pulled him into a hug. Ri mirrored his embrace, his long arms wrapping around Seamus.
Ri’s face came to rest against Seamus’s neck, and he huffed laughter. “I’m rather useless, I’m afraid.” He was attempting a light note, and Seamus rubbed his back, wondering if they needed to just be buddies, not fuck buddies. He’d misjudged earlier, moving into sex like that, but after the day they’d had, the revelations of their visitors, Pete calling Ri his boyfriend—and wasn’t that a fucking bad excuse?—he’d let his body not his brain call the shots.
Seamus smoothed a hand over Ri’s dark hair, laid it on his nape, before he kissed his cheek. “Hardly useless. I think you might be forgetting you saved my life.”
Ri rested his forehead against Seamus’s shoulder, and Seamus was encouraged that Ri didn’t seem as shaky as during their first go-round. Only two lovers, and who knew how long ago?
Time to sleep. After all Seamus could sleep with a hard-on. Probably. He began, “Let’s—”
He jumped as Ri’s hand closed around his dick. Then they both stilled, Ri’s palm firm against his boxers, and Seamus thinking too much. Ri lifted his head, his eyes large in the dim light, desire hot within them. Seamus decided to stop second-guessing.
He forked a hand into Ri’s thick hair and anchored it there before he brought their mouths together. Lips touched first, and Ri’s mouth parted, Seamus reading surprise, but he wasn’t going to think on that as he kissed Ri, more pressure before he pulled away, bringing Ri’s bottom lip between his own and releasing it.
Ri’s breathing increased, his eyes grew even darker, and Seamus wondered if it was his firmer hold on Seamus’s dick or the kissing. Ri could do anything he wanted with Seamus’s dick while he focused on this amazing face, all angles and sharp wonder.
He placed a palm on Ri’s throat, felt him swallow, traced his jawline with his thumb.
This wasn’t fear. Yes, Ri’s body vibrated, but Seamus read want and need. Ri slipped his hand beneath the elastic of Seamus’s boxers and wrapped his hand around Seamus, skin on skin.
Yes , thought Seamus as he leaned in, Ri’s mouth at his mercy, licked that swollen lower lip, heard Ri’s small pant, and opened Ri’s mouth with his own to slide his tongue over Ri’s.
A guttural noise of surrender came from Ri’s throat, vibrated through Seamus’s hand that still held Ri’s neck. Seamus rose up above Ri, bending him back and delving deeper, possessing that mouth.
Ri accepted him, returned the kiss, if less forcefully, and Seamus became aware Ri was stroking him in time to the kiss.
He hadn’t come earlier this evening, had intended to have a do-it-himself session in the shower, except the last few days’ events had crowded in on him and he’d collapsed on the bed.
Now though, it was all coming together, the tension, the desire, Ri’s desperate, sexy noises, his body shuddering beneath Seamus’s even while he continued to stroke. A hand cupped Seamus’s too-sensitive balls, a thumb circled Seamus’s come-slick head, and he tried to stave off his orgasm by this focus on kissing, on invading Ri’s mouth and being welcomed in that invasion.
Seamus had taken a short sabbatical from sex this past half-year, after a series of disasters, and all he could think was it had been worth the wait, this man in his bed, these hands on him, this mouth under his. Another time and place, he might have eased back in order to hold off the endgame and to further explore each other’s bodies in other ways.
That would have to be for later. His body ached for release, and Ri was intent on giving to him. The awkward eagerness in his movements affected Seamus,

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