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Running Wild

Running Wild

Titel: Running Wild Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Joely Skye
Vom Netzwerk:
some time. Seamus was all for taking turns.
First, Ri had some sleeping to do, and Seamus his chores.
Chapter Twelve
    As Seamus spent the day painting the barn, he realized he would have a hell of time selling this place, given Ri. Even if he and Seamus weren’t together, Ri needed a home base, and it was beyond Seamus to take that away from him.
    And, at this point, he couldn’t give the farm to Ri who didn’t have a birth certificate. Or money to pay taxes and utilities.
Taking a break, Seamus stared out at his fields. A lot of the farms around here were big, tractor-based. Not something he could tackle—besides the acreage was relatively small. If he went back to what Zachariah had had—chickens, vegetables, living off the land, he might be able to maintain it as a place of residence.
There were a healthy number of farmers’ markets in the area, though he was going to have to do significant research to make sales happen.
He needed to talk to Ri. At the thought of the man in his bed, Seamus found himself wearing a wide grin. God knows they had a lot of things to work out, but he was so happy to have met someone. While he could have chosen someone less complicated, well, perhaps that was part of the appeal.
Once Ri calmed down about the wolves… Seamus frowned at that. He was thinking in a way that was far too patronizing. As if Ri were an idiot for being wary and fearful of creatures who had done him and his brother real harm. He needed to have a longer conversation with Pete, make sure they were safe. Maybe talk to Jonah and get his take on the situation.
Did Pete control all wolves in the area? Were there wolves who might come back to look for Ri, or were they all dead?
Seamus needed to know more. He had a tendency to look on the bright side of things, and while that could be useful, it was important not to gloss over serious concerns.
Ri had them. With good reason.
    Ri woke and bolted up to standing. He was nude, in his grandfather’s house and…Seamus. As Ri recalled how they’d had sex, his entire body flushed hot with not-quite-embarrassment. It was pleasure and amazement and something akin to relief. Because what Ri perceived to be his weirdness had been acceptable by Seamus’s standards.
    A wave of lightheadedness washed over him; he was starving. He strode out into the kitchen and saw a written note on the table. It listed ingredients in the fridge for sandwiches, and Ri dug in.
    Halfway through eating, Seamus banged inside the house. Stopped short. “Hello there.”
He came over to kiss Ri and palm his naked hip before he went to wash up.
Ri was rather enjoying the way the morning-afters were comfortable and right, Seamus’s freckled face lighting up upon seeing Ri. If he hadn’t been so hungry, he would have jumped up and, well, jumped Seamus.
“Do you eat anything besides sandwiches and pizzas?”
Ri chewed and considered, since this seemed to be a serious question. After he swallowed, he said, “That’s what I grew up on.”
“I think we’ll have to buy a vegetarian cookbook or two.”
“They have those?”
Seamus frowned. “Do you think you’re the only vegetarian in the world?”
“No.” His grandfather had implied it was rare. While he hadn’t been a complainer, he’d been at a bit of a loss for a variety of food for his grandsons. “Well,” he amended, “we’re not common, are we?”
“Not uncommon. For example, university cafeterias always provide a vegetarian option.”
“Really?” That was heartening. Not quite like knowing there were horse shifters out and about in the world, but still. He could be a little less unusual, perhaps.
“ Moosewood , here we come,” Seamus said wryly. At Ri’s baffled expression, he added, “A very famous and decades-old, I might add, vegetarian cookbook. One of my roommates used it.”
“He was vegetarian?”
“She. And, no, but she liked to have vegetarian meals on occasion. As do I.” Seamus laughed. “Oh, Ri, Zachariah wouldn’t have been aware of this kind of thing. I’m sure he was a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy. No one’s going to be amazed that you’re vegetarian.”
Ri smiled around his mouthful.
“How do you feel about helping me run this farm?”
Ri choked and wheezed, before he managed to swallow properly.
Seamus crossed his arms and leaned a hip against the counter, frowning. “Why is that such a strange question?”
“You’d have to depend on me.”
“Well, yes.”
“Seamus.” Ri’s voice turned

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