Science of Discworld III
143–4, 148–9, 151, 251
Hubble volumes 191, 193
human genome 262, 265, 275–80
Humboldt, Alexander von 120
Huxley, Thomas Henry 151, 211, 251, 319, 322–3
hybrids 156
hypotheses 19–20, 290
immune system, maternal 279–80
infinity 168–83, 190–5
actual 169
alternatives 181
Cantorian 178–83
context-dependent nature 174
Hilbert on 175–7, 180, 183
potential 169
of the universe 169, 183, 190–5
inflation 191
‘intelligent design’ theory 12–13, 16, 17, 34–6, 39–40, 47–9, 126–7, 160
intervals 78–9
introns 274, 276, 277, 279
invention 236–8
‘irreducible complexity’ 47–9
Islam 291–2
Jack the Ripper 211
John Paul II, Pope 12, 22
Jorgensen, Richard 276–7
Judaism/Jews 300, 301, 318
Jurassic Park (film) 212
Kali 301
Kasner, Edward 169–70
Kingsley, Charles 150, 319, 322
Kirby, William 117
Krasnikov, Sergei 102–3
Kronecker, Leopold 181
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis 73, 76
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 248, 249, 290
Lamarckism 271–2
Langevin, Paul 98
Laplace, Pierre Simon de 95, 299–300
Lawson, Nicholas 124
lens 39–40, 45
Leonardo da Vinci 241
Levi-Civita, Tullio 100–1, 104
Lewontin, Richard 264–5, 268
life on earth
ancient 39
see also evolution
faster-than-light speeds 100, 102–3
gravitational lensing 79–80
photons 77, 78
slow 104–5
speed of 75–8, 95–6, 98, 102
light cones 77, 79
light-years 77, 78
limbs 216
Lincoln, Abraham 210–11, 214, 218, 219, 235
Linnaean Society 149
Lunar Society 247, 311
Lyell, Charles 118, 123, 125–6, 143, 146–9, 151, 157, 247
Maccone, Claudio 101
McCormick, Robert 121
magnetic fields 100–1, 104, 158
magnetic gravity 101
Mallett, Ronald 103–4, 105
Malthus, Thomas 127–8, 147–8, 159
mammals 261–2, 268–70, 279–80
Manson killers 295
many worlds interpretation 107, 184–5, 187–9, 191, 221
Markov chain 84
Mars 293–6
Martians 294–5
martyrdom 301
matching 178–80, 181
maternal immune system 279–80
mathematics 72–4, 76, 185–8, 195–200, 291
of infinity 168–83
sets 178–80, 181, 183
dark 19
exotic 100, 101, 102
Maxwell, James Clerk 76
Mead, George Herbert 212, 221
classical 186
Hamiltonian 68, 83
see also quantum mechanics
memeplexes 300–1
messenger RNA 275–6
Michell, John 95
microwaves, cosmic background 192–3
middle classes 311, 313, 320
Miller, Kenneth 49
mind, theory of 220
mines, flooding of 242–4
Minkowski, Hermann 76, 236
Minkowski spacetime 76, 77–8, 80, 93–5
Mitchell, Edward 70
momentum 68, 83
Montevideo 141
Moore, James 118
Morland, Sir Samuel 242
Morris, Michael 99, 104
Mosley, Sir Oswald 318
motion 66–8, 77–80
Newton’s law of 18, 186, 188, 210, 314–15
Moving Rows paradox 67
Moya, Miguel Alcubierre 102–3
multiculturalism 300–1
Murray, John 150, 151
mutation 261, 263–5, 268, 270–2
mysticism 302
Napoleon 300
narrativium 1–3, 52, 63, 77, 84, 103–4, 140
natural selection 13, 34, 40–2, 45, 142, 144, 147, 160, 217
common interpretations of 260, 263
and competition 128, 154
fundamental nature of 259
and mutation 265
originality of 235–6, 246–7, 248–52
summary of the theory of 153–4
see also evolution
Nazism 318
negative energy 100, 103
negentropy 298
neo-Darwinism 263
New Scientist 80–1
Newcomb, Simon 73, 74
Newcomen, Thomas 244
Newman, James 169–70
Newton, Isaac 18, 19, 23, 186, 188, 210, 236, 263
Newtonian physics 75–6, 78–80, 95
Newton’s law of motion 18, 186, 188, 210, 314–15
Nilsson, Daniel 45, 46
Noah 158
Nobel Prize 11–12
definition 178
quantum 196
transfinite 178
Occam’s razor 189
Odysseus 220, 221, 229
officer-training 321–2
Olum, Ken 103
Oppenheimer, Robert 96
Origin of Species (Darwin) 44, 145–55, 235, 319
conclusion 325–6
originality 246–7, 248–52
origins 145–51
structure 151–2
Owen, Fanny 119
Paley, William 23–6, 38–40, 41–2, 44, 46, 117, 235, 249
argument from design 34–6, 39–40, 126–7, 160
influence on Darwin 119–20, 152, 153
Pans narrans 323
Papin, Dennis 243
Arrow 67, 68, 83
cumulative audience 63
‘grandfather’ 63, 64, 107–8, 223–4
Moving Rows 67
twin 98–9, 102
parallel worlds (multiverse) 56–60, 106–7, 184–5, 187–95
four levels of 189–95
parasites 217, 273–4
parochials 216
particles 76–81
past 77, 93–4, 104, 212, 214, 229
see also future; history; present; time
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