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Sea Breeze 01 - Breathe

Sea Breeze 01 - Breathe

Titel: Sea Breeze 01 - Breathe Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Abbi Glines
Vom Netzwerk:
lordy, is she okay?”
    “Yes, yes, she’s fine. It was Braxton Hicks brought on by dehydration, and they’re keeping her today until she’s hydrated and stable. I have to stay and take her home when she’s ready. I’m so sorry.”
    “Girl, you better stop apologizing to me. I’m just glad you’re all right. Now, here is Master Jax’s number. You need to call him. He has gone to your house looking for you. I ain’t never seen that boy all worked up and worried as he was when you didn’t show up. Don’t you worry about a thing, and call him, please, before he gets the police searching for you.”
    I thanked her and said good-bye, then quickly called Jax’s number.
    “Jax, it’s Sadie.”
    “Are you all right? Where are you?”
    “I’m fine. I brought my mother to the hospital around four this morning. She was in pain. But she’s fine now, and they are pumping fluids into her. She should be able to leave soon.”
    “I’m on my way.”
    “No, Jax, wait. You can’t come here.” He paused. “Why?”
    I laughed. “Because you’ll get mauled by adoring fans.” He sighed. “I can make a few calls and get in privately.” I laughed again. “No, there’s no reason. We’ll be leaving soon. And I haven’t explained you to my mom yet, and today isn’t really a good day for that.”
    “I guess you’re right.”
    “I am.”
    “I miss you.”
    I got all warm and tingly at his words. “I miss you, too.”
    “You know, I could get you a few posters for your walls. . . .”
    I laughed. “I’ll pass. I happen to be interested in someone I don’t really see as the guy in those posters.”
    He hesitated a moment, and then said, “Thank you.”
    “See you later,” I said, and hung up. I squinted up at the morning sun and smiled before turning and heading back into the hospital to check on Jessica. She wouldn’t get dehydrated again if I could help it. The whole experience was not something I wanted to repeat.
    They released Jessica around lunchtime. She seemed tired and whiny. I couldn’t wait to get her home and go to work. As soon as I deposited her in bed with a large pitcher of ice water and a glass beside her, I headed outside.

Chapter Nine
    “This is the kinda stuff that girl’s life is made up of. See why I want you to stay away? She don’t need no more problems than she already has.” Ms. Mary had her hands on her hips, glaring at me.
    “I want to make things easier for her. Not harder,” I tried assuring her.
    “You can’t. Don’t you get that, boy? What happens if ’n the media gets ahold of this? Hmmm? Thought of that? They will hound her. They will flash her pretty, sweet face all over the news. You want that for her? I don’t.”
    That wasn’t going to happen. I wouldn’t let it. I might not be able to promise Sadie anything more than a summer, but I could make sure I protected her. Someone needed to. “I will make sure she is safe from any of that. Calm down, Ms. Mary. I’m taking care of her. That’s all I want to do. Make things easier for her. The media doesn’t even know I’m here. I’ve been coming here for years and they’ve never found me.”
    Ms. Mary made a “hmph” noise and turned back to her stove. “Just make sure that girl don’t suffer because of you. She don’t deserve it.”
    That wouldn’t happen. I’d never let it.
    “Dad wants to know if you’re coming with us,” Jason said as he walked into the kitchen. He made his way to the stove and took a biscuit from Ms. Mary’s iron skillet.
    “I can’t, Jason. You know that.” I hated letting him down but Sadie needed me now.
    “Yeah. I get it. I’ll survive Dad alone.” He bit into the biscuit and smiled. “I like her. She’s good for you.”
    “Boy, don’t you talk with your mouth full,” Ms. Mary scolded.
    Jason chuckled and kissed her cheek before heading for the door.
    I’d make it up to him later.
    When I opened the door, a black Jaguar sat in the drive. Jax stepped out and walked over to meet me.
    He smiled sheepishly. “I had the hospital call as soon as they released your mom.”
    I smiled. His eyes were hidden behind black sunglasses. He wore a New York Giants baseball cap pulled down low on his forehead.
    “I see you’re in disguise?” I asked.
    He grinned and nodded.
    I looked over at the Jaguar and laughed. “You should drive a vehicle that doesn’t draw attention if you’re trying to go around undetected.”
    He frowned.

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