Sea of Glory
(afternoon), although the sky is beautifully clear to the south-west, nothing can be seen. We cannot have drifted far from yesterday’s position. No wonder Wilkes reported land,” p. 643. Hobbs writes that “the naming of Wilkes Land came through German sources and that American atlases made no use of it, at least through the forties, fifties, and much of the sixties of the nineteenth century,” p. 649. James Dana’s letter to Asa Gray is dated February 12, 1846, and is at the Gray Herbarium Archives at Harvard.
Alden, James. Lieutenant. Journal. Logbook #120, Mariners’ Museum, Newport News, Virginia.
Anonymous journalist aboard Vincennes. Records Relating to the United States Exploring Expedition (Microcopy 75), Roll 10, NA.
Blair, James L. Passed Midshipman. Journal. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Briscoe, William. Armorer. Journal. Records Relating to the United States Exploring Expedition (Microcopy 75), Roll 13, NA.
Case, Augustus L. Lieutenant. Journal. U.S. Naval Academy Museum.
Claiborne, Micajah G. L. Lieutenant. Journal. Records Relating to the United States Exploring Expedition (Microcopy 75), Roll 12, NA.
Clark, George W. Midshipman. Journal. Records Relating to the United States Exploring Expedition (Microcopy 75), Roll 25, NA.
Colvocoresses, George M. Passed Midshipman. Journal. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Couthouy, J. P. Conchologist. Journal. The Museum of Science, Boston.
Dana, James D. Geologist. Letters to Asa Gray. Archives of the Gray Herbarium Library, Harvard University.
DeHaven, Edwin J. Lieutenant. Journal. Records Relating to the United States Exploring Expedition (Microcopy 75), Roll 24, NA.
Dickerson, Mahlon. Secretary of the Navy. Letters and Diary. Historical Society of New Jersey.
Du Pont, Samuel Francis. Lieutenant and Judge at Courts-Martial. Letters during summer and fall 1842. Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, Delaware.
Dyes, John W. W. Taxidermist. Journal. Records Relating to the United States Exploring Expedition (Microcopy 75), Roll 11, NA.
Eld, Henry, Jr. Passed Midshipman. Journal. 2 vols. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
———. Letters. LOC.
Elliot, Jared Leigh. Chaplain. Journal. 2 vols. LOC.
Elliott, Samuel B. Midshipman. Journal. Records Relating to the United States Exploring Expedition (Microcopy 75), Roll 17, NA.
Emmons, George Foster. Lieutenant. Journal. 3 vols., scrapbook, and sketchbooks. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Gilchrist, Edward. Assistant Surgeon. Journal. Records Relating to the United States Exploring Expedition (Microcopy 75), Roll 14, NA.
Green, Ezra. Sailor. Papers. Nimitz Library. United States Naval Academy.
Hartstene, Henry J. Lieutenant. Journal. Records Relating to the United States Exploring Expedition (Microcopy 75), Roll 12, NA.
Holmes, Silas. Assistant Surgeon. Journal. 3 vols. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Hudson, William L. Lieutenant, Second-in-Command of Expedition. Journal. Vol. 1 (RF-38-I), American Museum of Natural History Archives, New York; vol. 2, Microcopy, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.
Johnson, Robert E. Lieutenant. Journal. 2 vols. Records Relating to the United States Exploring Expedition (Microcopy 75), Roll 15, NA.
Knox, Samuel R. Passed Midshipman. Journal. Peabody Essex Museum.
———. Letters. Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Letters Relating to Wilkes Exploring Expedition, 1836-1842 (Microcopy 75), Rolls 1-6, NA.
Long, Andrew K. Lieutenant. Journal. Records Relating to the United States Exploring Expedition (Microcopy 75), Roll 18, NA.
Maury, Matthew F. Lieutenant. Papers. LOC.
May, William. Passed Midshipman. Letter to Frederick May, 23 October 1840. Box 1, Area File 9, RG 45, NA.
———. Letter to William Reynolds, 9 May 1841. Box 1, Area File 9, RG45, NA.
Pickering, Charles. Naturalist. Journal. 2 vols. The Academy of Natural Sciences, Ewell Sale Stewart Library, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
———. Letters. Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, Massachusetts.
Poinsett, Joel R. Secretary of War. Papers. 10 vols. Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Reynolds, William. Lieutenant. Public and
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