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Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Prologue

Titel: Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Prologue Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Kaze no Umi Meikyuu no Kishi Book 1
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tilted his head a little bit. "Kei Taiho, which palace are you going to live in?"
    "I used to live at Shiren Palace."
    "Do you want to go over there now? Can I come walk with you?"
    "All right."
    Seeing Keiki stand up, Taiki stood up as well. As he was about to leave with Keiki, he turned to look at  Gyokuyou.
    "Lady Gyokuyou, are you going to stay here as well? Or do you have other things to do?"
    Gyokuyou smiled. "I don't have anything to do. If you'll agree to it, I can eat dinner with you."
    Taiki smiled happily and then quickly chased after Keiki. Gyokuyou and the nyosen laughed as they  watched him run outside. When they couldn't see their figures anymore, Teiei timidly spoke. "I would like to  ask a question that may be improper..."
    "You may ask it."
    "I know it is impolite to say this, but Kei Taiho isn't someone who is easy to become close to. He and  Taiki..."
    She was not finished when Gyokuyou gave a laugh. "Kei Taiho is definitely someone who is hard to  approach."
    Teiei was silent. Keiki was also born on Mt. Hou and also lived there not too long ago, so Teiei very  much understood him. Etiquette required that she should have denied Gyokuyou's words, but she couldn't  ignore her conscience in order to say something.
    "This could just be destiny. I originally wanted to ask Ren Taiho to come, but because the Kingdom of  Ren was currently in turmoil, there was no way I could ask the Taiho to leave her kingdom at a time like  this, not to mention that I had just asked her to help."
    Renrin's native kingdom, Ren was facing internal disorder. Teiei had also heard this, so she could only  nod.
    "And also, I recalled that Kei Taiho was closest in age to Taiki. Though his native country has also  been unstable recently, perhaps spending some time with Taiki will make him a little easier to get along  with."
    Hearing this, Teiei only forced a smile. "Yes."
    Gyokuyou laughed lightly and suddenly smiled again. "The Queen of Kei very easily gets herself into  unnecessary trouble, and Kei Taiho's personality sometimes makes it even worse for Keiou. I hope he can  learn some things from Taiki's friendliness."
    Teiei silently nodded in agreement.
    It seems that in the places outside of Mt. Hou, the unrest never ceases.
    Together, Taiki and several nyosen followed behind Keiki. It wasn't easy for a child like Taiki to keep  up with Keiki, especially since Keiki didn't think to slow his pace down for Taiki. When the line of them  arrived at Shiren Palace, Taiki was already out of breath.
    Shiren Palace's layout was basically the same as that of Rosen Palace. After Keiki entered the palace,  no one knew what he was pondering as he walked through and looked at every room. Taiki guessed that he  was thinking fondly of the days that he had spent here before, so he stood quietly to one side.
    After Keiki had gone around the palace once, he entered the center room and sat down. Taiki still said  nothing.
    There was furniture inside of Shiren Palace, but the curtains and decorations had all been put away.
    Keiki sat like this and watched the nyosen busily begin to arrange things.
    Seeing that Keiki seemed like he had completely forgotten about him, Taiki began to get restless.
    However, Keiki's face showed a mood of contemplation, so Taiki didn't dare open his mouth to bother him.
    He just waited by Keiki's side, but that also felt a little bit too impolite.
    When Taiki was uncertain about what he should do, he spotted a nyosen carrying in a tea set and  couldn't help but let out a big sigh of relief.
    "Excuse our disorder. Please have some tea," said the nyosen, as she passed over a cup of tea. "Because  you haven't said anything, Taiki doesn't know what to do."
    "Oh..." It seemed as if Keiki had finally remembered that Taiki was at his side and looked over at him.
    "Excuse me." The expressionless Keiki gave Taiki a nod, which was meant as an apology.
    "Um... am I bothering you? If so, then I'll go back first." Taiki asked this very cautiously. However,  before Keiki could open his mouth, a nyosen spoke for him.
    "Oh, not at all. Come and drink some tea as well." The nyosen pushed a chair out for Taiki, and he sat  down very hesitantly. Yet, he really felt that this situation was extremely awkward.
    "Um... Might I ask where you live, Kei Taiho?"
    "Kei Kingdom."
    "What kind of a place is Kei Kingdom?"
    "It is a kingdom in the east." Keiki's answer carried no feeling, and afterwards, he didn't

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