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Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Prologue

Titel: Sea of the Wind, Shore of the Maze, Prologue Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Kaze no Umi Meikyuu no Kishi Book 1
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    Afterwards, all the nyosen had reproached Goson, and they also didn't give him any food or water  before chasing him off the mountain. In order to get back to the Kingdom of Tai, he had to wait at the  Reikon Gate for the next Ankou Day before the gate would open. However, setting up camp there, he had to  avoid the attacks of the youma and youju, which was not an easy thing to do. Even though he would  probably be able to survive, when Ankou Day arrives and the crowds enter the Reikon Gate to climb the  mountain, he will definitely become a laughingstock. However, Teiei did not feel sympathy for him at all.
    But the current situation could only be kept until the summer solstice. After that day passes, Hoto  Palace will be filled with a multitude of people. Perhaps they could make the most of their time by taking  Taiki to the Yellow Sea and letting him scuffle with the small youma, and possibly then he would be able to  figure out how to tame youma. But then again, compared to most small kirin, Taiki had already lost the  tenacity of an animal born in the wild, so Teiei was very afraid that something unexpected would happen  that they would not be able to control.
    "Teiei, do you have something on your mind?"
    Hearing a voice, Teiei lifted her head and saw Taiki looking at her with concern.
    "Are you worrying about me?"
    Teiei gently laughed. Taiki already knew that everything that a nyosen would be anxious about had to  do with the kirin. This caused Teiei both to be happy that Taiki was smart and clever, and to adore that he  was so perceptive he was able to sense what was in her heart.
    "How could that be!?"
    "I've just been sewing so much that I'm feeling a little restless. I'm telling you, I don't like doing  needlework at all!"
    "Do you want me to help?"
    "Ah! I must really thank you, but if you did sew better than me, then I would be too embarrassed. Don't  worry about about and go play!"
    Teiei laughed and rubbed Taiki's head, as she secretly thought, "If only we could let Taiki meet other  kirin, then things would be better."
    A kirin would be able to teach Taiki all the things that the nyosen and Sanshi could not.

Chapter 5
    Lady Gyokuyou!" called out Taiki suddenly, just as he finished his lunch at Rosen Palace.
    Rosen Palace held a total of five rooms, and Gyokuyou entered the center room with a golden-haired  young man behind her. Seeing this scene, the bowing Teiei couldn't help but secretly admire Gyokuyou.  (Genkun had already thought of this.)
    "It hasn't been long since the last time I saw you, but you've already grown so much."
    Gyokuyou smiled as she stroked Taiki's hair.
    "Your mane has grown long. Are your days here good?"
    "Very good," replied Taiki to Gyokuyou, as his eyes drifted over to the young man behind her. Other  than that time he encountered Goson, this was the first time he had seen a man on Mt. Hou, so he was very  curious.
    "This is Kei Taiho, Keiki."
    Taiki's eyes widened. "Is he a kirin too?"
    Gyokuyou nodded.
    Taiki looked up at the expressionless Keiki, who nodded at Taiki.
    Even though he looked like he was very uninterested, Taiki was still very happy to meet another kirin.
    After all, Taiki knew that he was a kirin, but he still wasn't sure what kind of a creature a kirin actually was.
    Gyokuyou looked at the surrounding nyosen.
    "Rosen Palace looks very busy."
    Youka hurriedly lowered her head and replied, "I'm sorry. Since Taiki doesn't like to eat alone..."
    Gyokuyou heard this and laughed.
    "Very good. Taiki is the master of Mt. Hou right now, so you should listen to his instructions."
    "Kei Taiho will stay here for a little while. You should prepare for this."
    After watching the nyosen bow and leave, Gyokuyou took Taiki's hand.
    "I heard that a boorish person intruded upon this palace. What a terrible misfortune! You didn't get  injured, did you?"
    "Oh, good." Gyokuyou smiled and invited Taiki and Keiki to sit. "Kei Taiho stayed upon Mt. Hou  previous to you."
    "Really?" Taiki looked at Keiki, but Keiki simply gave him a quick affirmative glance.
    "You were both born on Mt. Hou, just like brothers. Kei Taiho will stay on Mt. Hou for a little while,  so you can treat him as your older brother. Anything you don't understand, just ask him."
    "Okay." Taiki smiled at Keiki. "Kei Taiho, have you eaten lunch yet?"
    "Yes, I've eaten."
    "Do you want to drink some tea?"
    "Don't trouble yourself."

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