Shalador's Lady
butler, a housekeeper and her assistant, and a cook. The footmen and maids are all young people from the village who want training in domestic service. They get training; we get extra help.”
“There aren’t many aristo houses anymore that need servants,” Hikaeda said.
“No, but there are boardinghouses and inns,” Reyhana said. “And there are people like Prince Spere and Prince Haele who share a cottage in the Queen’s square rather than having the whole court living here. Being members of the First Circle, their residence is cared for by the servants here, but there are others who would be willing to pay to have some cooking and cleaning done. Aristo houses are not the only places that need such skills.”
Reyhana’s face, like her voice, shone with enthusiasm. Hearing a sound, she looked behind her, then looked at the men. Her green eyes twinkled with good humor. “Please step aside to leave a clear path to the table. The girls are still getting used to being around Warlord Princes, and they get nervous. But they’re getting better and drop fewer things. We’ve only had one broken glass this week.”
Birdie, who was now assistant housekeeper and assistant trainer of maids, carried the pitcher of ale. Copper, a village girl in training, carried the tray of glasses.
Watching Copper’s hands shake as she glanced at the men and crept after Birdie, Ranon held his breath. Then pitcher and tray were on the table and both girls were retreating back to the house.
“You’ll notice there is a shield around the edge of the tray,” Reyhana said. “It won’t help anything if the tray is dropped, but it does prevent a wobble from tipping a glass off the tray.”
“Did you think of that?” Rikoma asked.
“No, Vae did.”
The men laughed, and Ranon guessed that had been Reyhana’s intention. Warlord Princes were lethal predators, and they were used to being feared. Being given an opportunity to laugh with a woman was a moment both appreciated and prized.
Reyhana went back into the house. Hikaeda poured the ale and passed the glasses. For a few minutes, the men looked at the gardens and spoke little.
Then Cassidy walked out of the house. Like Reyhana, she wore a long, light summer dress, but her hair had been put up in a simple knot at the back of her head.
She had just reached Ranon when . . .
*Cassie? Cassie!*
Cassidy crossed her eyes and made a face as Gray and Vae caught up with her.
*Hat, Cassie!*
“No,” Cassidy said. “If I put a hat on now, the hair will fall down, and it’s too hot today to have it down.”
*Gray, tell her!*
Coming up on Cassidy’s left side, Gray nodded to the men. He wore a plain white shirt and black trousers—and his Purple Dusk pendant and ring.
There was nothing challenging about a man wearing his Jewels, and there was nothing special about the clothes, but Ranon felt a curious tension in the other men.
Gray gave the men a conspiratorial smile as he looked each of them in the eyes. That smile included a mischievous wink when his eyes moved to Hikaeda. Then he called in a parasol, opened it, and held it over Cassidy.
When she did nothing but look up at it, Gray said politely, “Are you going to take the parasol, or should I hold it for you?”
“You’re spending too much time with somebody,” Cassidy muttered as she took the parasol. “You’re getting too good at this.”
“Do you want to hit me?” Gray asked.
“I’m thinking about it.”
Cassidy and Gray smiled at each other—and those smiles had enough heat to take everyone by surprise. Including Ranon.
“Gentlemen,” Gray said, “if you would join us, the meal is ready.”
He raised his right hand, an escort’s gesture. Cassidy placed her left hand over his in automatic response—like a Queen would respond to her First Escort or Consort . . . or her husband.
Cassidy and Gray walked back to the house. Ranon started to follow, then realized the others weren’t coming with him.
Hikaeda stared at nothing. “We were friends,” he said softly. “Before he was taken and hurt so badly, we were friends. I never thought . . . It’s good to see him again. It’s good to see Jared Blaed.”
Hikaeda headed for the house, followed by Rikoma and Elendill. But Ferall still lingered.
“Something wrong?” Ranon asked.
Ferall shook his head. “I want this for my own village, for my own Province.”
“Then come inside,” Ranon said. “There are people around the
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