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Sidney Chambers and The Shadow of Death (The Grantchester Mysteries)

Sidney Chambers and The Shadow of Death (The Grantchester Mysteries)

Titel: Sidney Chambers and The Shadow of Death (The Grantchester Mysteries) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: James Runcie
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Amanda’s tone almost confrontational. It was hard to give thoughtful answers to her volley of direct questions.
    ‘Is it lonely being a priest?’ Amanda continued.
    ‘Sometimes . . .’
    ‘When is it at its worst?’
    ‘Now, I suppose.’
    ‘You mean at this table?’
    ‘No, of course not, I don’t mean that at all,’ Sidney blushed, although he did feel out of his depth. ‘I think it is when there is a small congregation on a cold February day in the middle of Lent, for example. I feel these waves of depression coming over me. The numbers of the faithful are dwindling, Amanda, and sometimes there is nothing I can do to encourage them. It’s like Matthew Arnold’s great poem “Dover Beach”. I feel the melancholy roar of the withdrawing tide. . . .’
    ‘Then I only hope you have not been diving into any more murky waters,’ Amanda replied.
    ‘Sometimes the murky waters come to me. . . .’
    Amanda put down her knife and fork. ‘I’m so sorry. I have been talking about myself so much that it has taken me a little time to realise. Forgive me. It is clear that something is troubling you.’
    Sidney sighed. He wondered whether he should speak openly but he was too preoccupied not to do so. ‘I am afraid that it is.’
    ‘Tell me . . .’
    ‘This may not be the place to discuss it.’
    ‘No one is listening.’
    ‘An elderly lady has died.’
    ‘Nothing unusual in that, I would have thought.’
    ‘Indeed not.’
    ‘Then what are you worried about?’
    ‘It is extremely confidential, Amanda. I should not be telling you anything at all.’
    ‘But you are anxious?’
    ‘I am. My doctor has come under suspicion.’
    ‘Whatever for?’
    ‘This is a very delicate matter.’
    ‘I don’t know him, do I?’
    ‘No, Amanda, you do not.’
    ‘Then do not tell me his name. Has he been negligent?’
    Sidney stopped. He knew that he should not be confiding in Amanda but he could not help himself. ‘It’s thought that he may have hastened her death.’
    ‘And why would he do that?’
    ‘So that he could marry the daughter without her mother’s blessing.’
    ‘Couldn’t they just wait?’
    ‘Apparently not. She was a tough old bird.’
    Amanda returned to her meal. ‘Almost as tough as these pork chops, I imagine. Has your inspector friend got on to the case?’
    ‘He has. We both feel rather uncomfortable.’
    ‘So it is either a medical act of mercy or something altogether more sinister?’
    Sidney began to wish he had not raised this subject but it was too late. ‘I am not sure the daughter was involved.’
    ‘Well, there is one reason that the mother could have disapproved,’ Amanda continued. ‘Although I can’t see why it makes much difference in this day and age . . .’
    ‘And that is?’
    ‘Oh Sidney, how could you be so dim? She’s obviously with child.’
    ‘ Of course , ’ Sidney thought to himself. How could he have been so slow?
    ‘If her mother dies before the pregnancy is obvious then they are in the clear; not that they needed to worry that much in the first place. There was nothing else stopping them marrying, I imagine . . .’
    ‘I think Isabel wanted to do the right thing by her mother . . .’
    ‘Isabel? You are on first-name terms with a potential murderer?’
    ‘She is not a murderer, Amanda. She is a woman who has been bullied all her life who has now found late-flowering love.’
    ‘And so her wishes have come true.’
    ‘Love is something to celebrate, Amanda.’
    ‘You never thought of marrying her yourself?’
    ‘Now you are teasing me . . .’
    ‘Is she attractive?’
    ‘She is. But she is not, of course, as attractive as you.’
    ‘Oh Sidney,’ Amanda leaned forward and placed her hand on his. ‘I can rely on you to say the right thing. You have such perfect manners too. I wish my London admirers would follow suit.’
    The waitress returned with a jam roly-poly and Amanda withdrew her hand.
    ‘I think we should be careful what we wish for,’ Sidney replied as calmly as he could. ‘Sometimes, even when our prayers are answered, there is an ironic twist that we could never have anticipated.’
    ‘Well, let me pay for lunch, Sidney, there’s a twist to begin with.’
    ‘I don’t think I can let you do that, Amanda.’
    ‘What rot. I think I shall always pay. It will make everything easier . . .’
    ‘Amanda . . .’
    ‘Don’t be silly, Sidney. Think of it as a down payment against future marriage guidance. There will

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