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Sidney Chambers and The Shadow of Death (The Grantchester Mysteries)

Sidney Chambers and The Shadow of Death (The Grantchester Mysteries)

Titel: Sidney Chambers and The Shadow of Death (The Grantchester Mysteries) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: James Runcie
Vom Netzwerk:
    ‘I don’t suppose any of the band could have done it?’
    ‘They were on stage at the time.’
    ‘The perfect alibi. One of them could have had an accomplice.’
    ‘Will you come?’ Sidney asked. He was in no mood for further conjecture. ‘It’s in Soho, so not far. We can go to the bar and you can meet Gloria.’
    ‘It would be interesting to see what she is like.’
    ‘She is rather fabulous.’
    ‘And she may even be a murderer. Where are you staying tonight?’
    ‘A friend at the Abbey has agreed to put me up.’
    ‘You could have kipped on our sofa.’
    ‘I’m not much of a kipper, I’m afraid, Amanda.’
    ‘No Sidney, you have more soul. Shall I pay the bill?’
    ‘Absolutely not.’
    ‘It’s only seven and six. I know the clergy never have any money.’
    Amanda had recently discovered that Sidney’s annual stipend was £550. There had been an article in The Times about clergy salaries and she had asked Sidney if it was true. She was intrigued because her car had cost more than twice his annual income. ‘Perhaps the police should start paying you as well?’ she asked.
    ‘There’s no need for that.’
    ‘Or maybe Miss Dee will sweep you off to America?’
    ‘That is highly unlikely,’ Sidney replied.
    ‘But still possible?’ Amanda teased. ‘You can be such a dreamer. I think it’s one of the things I like best about you. Anything can happen.’
    ‘That is not always a good thing, of course.’
    ‘But it does mean that life with you is never dull.’
    The next day’s visit to the newspaper library took up far more time than Sidney had anticipated. There were reports of some of the original burglaries that Phil the Cat had committed but little information that was not in the police files. Sidney found himself looking for reviews of jazz concerts instead.
    He was too excited about the evening trip to Soho to concentrate on much else. He decided to wear his double-breasted suit and this time his Homburg hat, which even attracted the approval of passers-by.
    ‘Hey man, nice lid.’
    A thin, blonde woman in a short skirt and a low-cut top was standing in a doorway. ‘Need a girl?’ she asked.
    ‘Not at the moment,’ Sidney replied. ‘But thank you for offering.’
    He met Amanda at The Moka in Frith Street and then proceeded down a series of dingy alleys where several couples were taking advantage of the darkness to get to know each other better. Sidney knew that Amanda was unused to these surroundings but decided that it was good for her to experience them. When they arrived at the club he ordered her a Martini and found a table to the side of the stage.
    ‘What time do they come on?’ Amanda asked.
    ‘Miss Dee likes it late.’
    ‘And how is your investigation?’
    ‘Slow,’ Sidney replied.
    ‘The police not much help?’
    ‘They’re doing their best but there were so many people in the club. It could have been almost anyone.’
    ‘Do you think it was a crime passionnel ?’
    Sidney felt a presence by his side. ‘You talkin’ about passion?’
    It was Gloria Dee. She was wearing a golden sheath dress. It looked as if honey had been poured over her body and left to set.
    Sidney had the look of a schoolboy who had never seen a woman in his life before. ‘You remember me?’ he asked.
    ‘Sure thing, I remember you, sweetheart. Every time you show up someone gets killed. Who’s your baby?’
    ‘This is my friend, Miss Kendall.’
    ‘Pleased to meet you, friend.’ Gloria turned back to Sidney. ‘You found the cat who killed that girl?
    ‘I’m afraid not.’
    ‘Better get a wiggle on. Man could’ve moved miles by now.’
    ‘Or woman of course,’ Sidney replied.
    ‘Tell it to Sweeney. I don’t think a woman did that. She’s more likely to use a stiletto. Stranglin’s hard work.’
    ‘I wouldn’t know about that.’
    ‘You never killed a chick?’ She looked at Sidney’s companion. ‘I mean the animal variety . . .’
    ‘Wouldn’t you leave that sort of thing to your husband?’ Amanda asked.
    ‘Aint got no husband. You don’t keep the carton once you’ve smoked the cigarette. What you preachin’, Sidney?’
    ‘The usual.’
    ‘And what you drinkin’?’
    ‘Are you going to fix me one?’
    ‘Whatever you like’.
    ‘I’ll take a triple shot and have it on stage.’ Gloria signalled to the barman. He had clearly been briefed to keep an eye on her. ‘I’ve got to get myself ready. You’re one lucky woman,

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