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Some Quiet Place

Some Quiet Place

Titel: Some Quiet Place
Autoren: Kelsey Sutton
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around to find me with his eyes. They speak murder.
    Just a little more strength. That’s all I need to end this.
    Nightmare stumbles to his feet again, blood running down the side of his face from a cut on his temple. The sight of it gives me a fresh surge of resolution; he’s not indestructible. I can kill him—I can survive this. He glares at me through the crimson stream and wipes it away with the back of his hand. “You’re going to die slowly,” he promises in a hiss, stalking back toward the table.
    “Moss,” I rasp, my eyes rolling painfully as I search the room for her. “Moss!” I need her to give me power again. But I can’t find her. Nightmare laughs at me, drawing even nearer. He kicks the chair out of the way.
    “You didn’t burn Landon,” I say in a wild attempt to gain more time. I don’t know why this is what I choose to say, but it feels so important.
    Nightmare pauses and does his head-cocking thing again. “And why would you say that?” He sounds genuinely interested. He’s stopped smiling, and I don’t think he’s even aware of it.
    I swallow. Pause. Purse my lips. Then, in a voice that shakes like a frightened child’s, I tell him, “Because someone found his body.”
    The paintings, the dreams, the memories. All of it led to this. I may not remember a life before being Elizabeth, I may not recall the illusion or who I was, but I do remember one moment like it’s my own—when Rebecca cradled her brother in her arms, screaming over his lifeless body. Never again would she hear his laugh. Never again would he say her name. Never again would they dance in the woods.
    Nightmare is speaking, but his voice is a senseless hum, the shack and my own pain a blur.
    Because now, finally, I’m remembering.
    Rebecca wakes up in her tiny room, and the first thing she notices is the silence. She has no idea how she knows, but something is wrong. There’s a taste on her tongue—something bitter and sweet, like salt and strawberries.
    She whips the blankets aside, her feet touching the chilled floor. She casts about for some pants and settles on a wrinkled pair of jeans tossed carelessly over a chair. Yanking them on, Rebecca hurries out the door. The house is so small that she knows in an instant she’s alone. The kitchen is dark, the bedroom doors all open and mournful. Where are Mom and Landon?
    She whirls and runs to the front door, bare feet slapping against the tiles. Just as the girl is reaching for the knob, though, Fear bursts into the space between her and the outside. She screams, leaping back.
    “Rebecca, you can’t go out there.” Looking panicked, Fear grabs her wrists and stops her when she recovers and grabs for the knob again.
    “I have to,” she says frantically, trying to shove him out of the way. He flattens his back to the door. Uttering a half-terrified, half-infuriated cry, Rebecca wrenches herself free of his hold.
    “Wait—” Fear attempts to seize her shoulders, but she moves more quickly this time. “Rebecca, your brother—”
    “Leave me alone!” she screeches up at him. “You’ve answered your summons! We’re done!”
    Hurt flashes across his beautiful face, but she doesn’t care. There’s a window in her room that she can fit through, so Rebecca turns her back to him and hurries away, her mind filled with her mother and Landon. Fear appears at her side again. “You can’t help Landon!” he insists shakily. “But your mother is alive, so please, let me take you away from here.” She gives him a look of loathing as his words roll off of her like dew on a leaf. Undeterred, Fear grabs her arm and shoves her against a wall. “You don’t understand, Rebecca. I can’t answer Landon’s summons because—”
    Taking him off guard, the girl brings a knee up and slams it in the tenderest of places. Bending, Fear wheezes. As soon as his cool hands are gone she rushes away once again. This time he lets her go.
    Scrambling through the window, Rebecca falls to the ground and glances around wildly. It’s a cloudy morning, and there’s no sign of Mom in the garden or Landon in the yard with one of his books. The ocean roars, oblivious to her world cracking. Something urges her toward the woods. She doesn’t question the instinct. Rebecca sprints through the trees, full speed. Her terror is so strong that it’s a choking sensation. For the first time in her life she can’t breathe.
    “Landon! Mom!” She starts screaming their names,
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