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Sorceress of Darshiva

Sorceress of Darshiva

Titel: Sorceress of Darshiva Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: David Eddings
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that and for that only that thou was born. Shouldst thou refuse it, thou wilt not live to see another winter."
    "That's the second time you've threatened my life since you arrived, Cyradis. Do you hate me so much?"
    "I do not hate thee, Zakath, and I made no threats. I merely revealed unto thee that which fate has in store for thee. Wilt thou accept thy task?"
    "Not until I know a little more about it."
    "Very well, then. I will reveal unto thee the first part of thy task. Thou must come to me at Kell, where I shall submit to thee. I shall be thy hostage, but thou art also surely mine. Come thou then to Kell with the Child of Light and his other chosen companions; for, as hath been foretold since the beginning of days, thou art of their company."
    She held up one slim hand. "Leave behind thee thy retinue and thine army and thy symbols of power. They will be of no use to thee." She paused. "Or art thou fearful, O mighty Zakath, to go about in thy vast realm without thy soldiers clustered about thee to compel the stubborn knee to bend and to coerce the rebellious to submit to thy will?"
    Zakath flushed angrily. "I fear nothing, Holy Seeress," he replied in a cold voice, "not even death."
    "Death is a small thing, Kal Zakath. Methinks it is life which thou dost fear. As I have said, thou art my hostage, and I command thee to come to me at Kell and there to take up thy burden."
    The Emperor of Mallorea began to tremble. Garion knew this man and he knew that Zakath would normally reject Cyradis' imperious command instantly, but he appeared seized by some overpowering compulsion. His trembling grew more violent, and his pale face broke out in a sweat. Cyradis, despite her blindfolded eyes, seemed to be aware of the turmoil which had seized her "hostage."
    "Thy choice is well made, Kal Zakath," she declared. "Thou wilt submit to me willingly—or with reluctance—but thou must submit, for it is thy destiny." She drew herself up. "Speak now, Emperor of Mallorea, for thy fate requires thine acceptance of it. Wilt thou come to me at Kell?"
    He seemed to choke on it. "I will come," he croaked.
    "So be it then. Take thy foreordained place at Belgarion's side and come to the Holy City. There shall I instruct thee further in thy task and tell thee why it is not merely thy life which doth hinge upon it, but the life of all this world." She turned slightly so that her blindfolded eyes seemed to be looking at Garion. "Bring him to me, Child of Light," she told him, "for all of this is a part of what must come to pass ere the final meeting."
    She stretched out her hand to Toth in a gesture of longing.
    And then she vanished.
    "And now we are twelve," Sadi murmured.
    The most recent recruit to their company, however, stood ashen-faced in the center of the tent, and Garion was astonished to see unshed tears standing in the eyes of the Emperor of Mallorea.

    "The Empty One," Eriond said with a slight note of satisfaction in his voice. "It's almost complete now."
    "I don't quite follow you," Sadi confessed.
    "Cyradis came to us at Rheon," the young man explained. "She told us who would come with us to the Place Which Is No More. I've been wondering who the Empty One would be. Now I know."
    "And how did she describe me?" the eunuch asked.
    "Are you really sure you want to know?"
    "I have a certain curiosity about it, yes."
    "She called you the Man Who Is No Man."
    Sadi winced. "That's direct enough, isn't it?"
    "You did ask."
    Sadi sighed. "It's all right, Eriond," he said. "The procedure took place when I was a baby, so I’ve never known what it might be like to be different. Actually, I find all this interest in that particular function slightly amusing. Mine is a much less complicated way of life."
    "Why did they do it to you?"
    Sadi shrugged, rubbing his hand over his shaved scalp. "My mother was poor," he replied. "It was the only gift she could give me."
    "It gave me the chance for employment in Queen Salmissra's palace. Otherwise, I'd have probably been a street beggar like the rest of my family.''
    "Are you all right?" Garion asked the ashen-faced Zakath.
    "Just leave me alone, Garion," Zakath muttered.
    "Why don't you let me deal with it, dear?" Polgara suggested to Garion. "This is very difficult for him."
    "I can understand that. It didn't come too easily for me, either.''
    "And we broke it to you gently. Cyradis didn't have time to be gentle. I'll talk with him."
    "All right, Aunt Pol."

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