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Steele 05 - Irresistible Forces

Steele 05 - Irresistible Forces

Titel: Steele 05 - Irresistible Forces Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Brenda Jackson
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response and she had no reason not to believe him.
    * * *
    Cheyenne Steele placed a faint smile on her face when she met Taylor’s intense gaze. “I can’t believe you came to check on me just because I fainted.”
    Taylor had found Cheyenne at the hotel where Roz had told her she was staying. After getting checked out by a doctor, Cheyenne had returned to her room to rest for the remainder of the day and had been surprised to open the door later that evening to find Taylor and a man she knew to be Dominic Saxon. After Taylor had officially introduced them, he had left to wait downstairs in the lobby.
    “Believe it,” Taylor said, frowning. “You just better be glad Vanessa and I decided not to mention anything about it to Mama. I noticed you didn’t look well when we were home a few weeks ago and have been concerned about it ever since. I figured you’re working crazy hours and not taking proper care of yourself. So tell me what the doctor said. Am I right? Are you not eating enough for that vigorous schedule you’re keeping? Starving yourself to keep your weight down?”
    Cheyenne waved off her words. “I’m fine. Just got a little overheated. Now enough about me. Tell me how things are going with you and Dominic.”
    Taylor knew Cheyenne was trying to shift the focus off her and onto Dominic, but she refused
to let her. For some reason Taylor didn’t believe Cheyenne’s story about heat exhaustion, although with the island’s hot temperature, getting overheated was a possibility. Taylor had a feeling that there was something else, something Cheyenne wasn’t telling her. She could feel it. And for one thing, Cheyenne was looking everywhere but at her.
    “Forget about me and Dominic. What’s going on, Chey?” she asked softly “You’re lying to me and I don’t like it. Are you on an anorexia kick or something? I know how crazy you get sometimes about keeping your model figure and how you—”
    “No, that’s not it,” Cheyenne said quickly.
    Taylor breathed in deeply. “Then what is it? What aren’t you telling me?”
    The silence that suddenly descended upon the room was unnerving. And just when she thought Cheyenne would not say anything, her sister opened her mouth and spoke. “Okay, I’ll tell you, but you must promise not to tell anyone. Not Van or the cousins and especially not Mama. I’ll tell everyone when I come home for Marcus’s high school graduation in a few weeks.”
    Taylor’s brows drew together in a frown. “Tell them what?”
    “You have to promise.”
    Taylor rolled her eyes. “Okay, okay, I promise. So what are you going to tell them?”
    Cheyenne’s eyes, a color so dark they looked black, stared straight into hers when she said, “That I’m pregnant.”
    * * *
    “Are you all right, Taylor?”
    Taylor glanced up at Dominic. “Yes, I’m okay.”
    The plane had landed and they had returned to the resort. After getting over the initial shock of what Cheyenne had told her, she had talked her sister into going out to dinner with her and Dominic at one of the restaurants near the hotel. The three of them had had a nice time and she could tell that Cheyenne liked Dominic. When it came to men Cheyenne could be downright nitpicky, which made Taylor wonder about the identity of the man who had fathered Cheyenne’s baby. He’d certainly had to have been someone Cheyenne had been quite taken with. When she’d asked Cheyenne about the man, she had refused to talk about him, only saying that he was someone she had met once and would probably never see again.
    “Are you still worried about your sister? She seems to be doing okay now,” Dominic said, breaking into her thoughts.
    If only you knew, she thought. Of course she hadn’t mentioned anything to Dominic about her sister’s condition, and didn’t want to think what the family would have to say when Cheyenne dropped her little bombshell. Although Taylor had made plans to do the baby thing solo, her family wouldn’t have been surprised if she was to pop up pregnant without the benefit of a husband because they all knew how much Taylor loved children, and with her methodical mind, having a child without a husband would seem like something Taylor would do.
    But Cheyenne was another matter altogether. Besides being the baby in the family who got all the attention, Cheyenne was never a person to fawn over babies and had never mentioned that she wanted any of her own. Her modeling career was the only thing she

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