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Stranger in a Strange Land

Stranger in a Strange Land

Titel: Stranger in a Strange Land Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Robert A. Heinlein
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today standing at attention." What to put over him? The Fallen Caryatid? No, Mike had been strong enough for his stone. The Little Mermaid would be better-but it wouldn't be understood. Maybe one of Mike himself, just as he was when he had said, "Look at me. I am a Son of Man." If Duke didn't catch a shot of it, New World did-and maybe there was a brother, or would be a brother, with the spark of Rodin in him to do it right and not fancy it up.
                "We'll bury him there," Jubal went on, "unprotectS~ and let the worms and the gentle rain grok him. I grok Mike will like that. Anne, I want to talk to Joe Douglas as soon as we get home."
                "Yes, Boss. We grok with you."
                "Now about that other." He told them about Mike's will. "So you see, each one of you is at least a millionaire-Just how much more than that I haven't estimated lately . . . but much more, even after taxes. No strings on it at all . . . but I grok that you will spend as needed for temples and similar stuff. But there's nothing to stop you from buying yachts if you wish. Oh, yes! Joe Douglas stays on as manager for any who care to let the capital ride, same pay as before . . . but I grok Joe won't last long, whereupon management devolves on Ben Caxton. Ben?"
                Caxton shrugged. "It can be in my name. I grok I'll hire me a real business man, name of Saul."
                "That wraps it then. Some waiting time but nobody will dare really fight this will; Mike rigged it. You'll see. How soon can we get out of here? Is the tab settled'?"
                "Jubal," Ben said gently, "we own this hotel."
                Not long thereafter they were in the air, with no trouble from police-the town had quieted down as fast as it had flared up. Jubal sat forward with Stinky Mabmoud and relaxed-discovered that he was not tired, not unhappy, not even fretting to get back to his sanctuary. He discussed with Mahinoud his plans to go to Mars to learn the language more deeply after, Jubal was pleased to learn, completing the work on the dictionary, which Mahinoud estimated at about a year more for his own part in checking the phonetic spellings.
                Jubal said grumpily, "I suppose I shall be forced to learn the pesky stuff myself, just to understand the chatter going on around me."
                "As you grok, brother."
                "Well, damn it, I won't put up with assigned lessons and regular school hours! I'll work as suits me, just as I always have."
                Mabmoud was silent a few moments. "Jubal, we used classes and schedules at the Temple because we were handling groups. But some got special attention."
                "That's what I'm going to need."
                "Anne, for example, is much, much farther along than she ever let you know. With her totahrecall memory, she learned Martian in nothing flat, hooked in rapport with Mike."
                "Well, I don't have that sort of memory-and Mike's not available."
                "No, but Anne is. And, stubborn as you are, nevertheless Dawn can place you in rapport with Aiine-if you'll let her. And you won't need Dawn for the second lesson; Anne will then be able to handle it all. You'll be thinking in Martian inside of days, by the calendar-much longer by subjective time, but who cares?" Mahmoud leered at him. "You'll enjoy the warming-up exercises."
                Jubal bristled. "You're a low, evil, lecherous Arab-and besides that you stole one of my best secretaries."
                "For which I am forever in your debt. But you haven't lost her entirely; she'll give you lessons, too. She'll insist on it."
                "Now go 'way and find another seat. I want to think."
                Somewhat later be shouted, "Front!"
                Dorcas came forward and sat down beside bini, steno gear ready.
                He glanced at her before he started to work. "Child, you look even happier than usual. Glowing."
                Dorcas said dreamily, "I've decided to name him 'Dennis.'" Jubal nodded. "Appropriate. Very appropriate." Appropriate meaning even if' she were mixed up about the paternity, he thought to himself. "Do you feel like working?"
                "Oh, yes! I feel grand."
                "Begin. Stereoplay. Rough draft.

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