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Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson

Titel: Swiss Family Robinson
Autoren: Johann David Wyss
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here, father,' and he pointed to a large cask, `that barrel contains excellent salt butter. I made a little opening in it with a knife; and see, I got enough to spread nicely upon this piece of biscuit.'
    `Really, Ernest,' I said, `we are indebted to you. I will open the cask.' So saying, I took a knife and carefully cut a small hole, so that I could extract the butter without exposing the mass of it to the effects of the air and heat. Filling a cocoanut shell with the good Dutch butter, we once more sat down, toasting our biscuits before the fire and spreading them with butter.
    While we were thus employed, I noticed that the two dogs were lying unusually quietly by my side. I at first attributed this drowsiness to their large meal during the night, but I soon discovered that it arose from a different cause; the faithful animals had not escaped unhurt from their late combat, but had received several deep and painful wounds, especially about the neck. The dogs began to lick each other on the places which they could not reach with their own tongues, and my wife carefully dressed the wounds with butter from which she had extracted the salt by washing.
    `One of the things we must not forget to look for in the vessel,' said Fritz, `is a spiked collar for each of the dogs, as a protection to them should they again be called upon to defend themselves and us from wild beasts.'
    `Oh yes,' exclaimed Jack, `but I can make spiked collars, if mother will give me some help.'
    `Try by all means, my little fellow,' said I, `and persuade your mother to assist you; and now, Fritz,' I continued, `we must be starting, for you and I are to make a trip to the wreck.'
    `That I will, my boy,' she cried, `for I would like to see what new fancy has come into your head. And all of us must remember that we may make as many new inventions as we can think of. We cannot better employ your time, and if you produce something useful, you will be rewarded with the commendations of all.'
    I begged the party who were to remain on shore, to keep together as much as possible, reminded my younger sons to obey their mother in all things, and having arranged a set of signals with my wife that we might exchange communications, asked a blessing on our enterprise. I erected a signal-post, and while Fritz was making preparations for our departure, hoisted a strip of sailcloth as a flag; this flag was to remain hoisted so long as all was well on shore, but should our return be desired, three shots were to be fired and the flag lowered.
    All was now ready, and warning my wife that we might find it necessary to remain all night on the vessel, we tenderly bade adieu and embarked. Except our guns and ammunition we were taking nothing, that we might leave as much space as possible for the stowage of a large cargo. Fritz, however, had resolved to bring his little monkey, that he might obtain milk for it as soon as possible.
    We had not got far from the shore, when I perceived that a current from the river set in directly for the vessel, and though my nautical knowledge was not great, I succeeded in steering the boat into the favourable stream, which carried us nearly three-fourths of our passage with little or no trouble to ourselves; then, by dint of hard pulling, we accomplished the whole distance, and, entering through the breach, gladly made fast our boat and stepped on board.
    Our first care was to see to the animals, who greeted us with joy--lowing, bellowing, and bleating as we approached--not that the poor beasts were hungry, for they were all still well supplied with food, but they were apparently pleased by the mere sight of human beings. We removed any partly spoiled food and added a fresh supply, along with fresh water.
    Fritz then placed his monkey by one of the goats, and the little animal immediately sucked the milk with evident relish, chattering and grinning all the while; the monkey provided for, we refreshed ourselves with a plentiful meal. `Now,' said I, `we have plenty to do; where shall we begin?'
    `Let us fix a mast and sail to our boat,' answered Fritz, `for the current which brought us out will not take us back; whereas the fresh breeze we met would help us immensely had we but a sail.'
    Quite startled, I demanded, `What makes you think of this at so critical a time, when we have so many necessities to attend to?'
    `I must confess,' he said, ` that I found it very difficult to row for so long a time, though I assure you I did my best and did
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