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The Complete Aristotle (eng.)

The Complete Aristotle (eng.)

Titel: The Complete Aristotle (eng.) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Aristotle
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Euripides’ paradoxical words:
I slew my mother, that’s my tale in brief.
Were you both willing, or unwilling both?
    Is it truly possible to be willingly treated unjustly, or is all
suffering of injustice the contrary involuntary, as all unjust
action is voluntary? And is all suffering of injustice of the
latter kind or else all of the former, or is it sometimes
voluntary, sometimes involuntary? So, too, with the case of being
justly treated; all just action is voluntary, so that it is
reasonable that there should be a similar opposition in either
case-that both being unjustly and being justly treated should be
either alike voluntary or alike involuntary. But it would be
thought paradoxical even in the case of being justly treated, if it
were always voluntary; for some are unwillingly treated justly. (2)
One might raise this question also, whether every one who has
suffered what is unjust is being unjustly treated, or on the other
hand it is with suffering as with acting. In action and in
passivity alike it is possible to partake of justice incidentally,
and similarly (it is plain) of injustice; for to do what is unjust
is not the same as to act unjustly, nor to suffer what is unjust as
to be treated unjustly, and similarly in the case of acting justly
and being justly treated; for it is impossible to be unjustly
treated if the other does not act unjustly, or justly treated
unless he acts justly. Now if to act unjustly is simply to harm
some one voluntarily, and ‘voluntarily’ means ‘knowing the person
acted on, the instrument, and the manner of one’s acting’, and the
incontinent man voluntarily harms himself, not only will he
voluntarily be unjustly treated but it will be possible to treat
oneself unjustly. (This also is one of the questions in doubt,
whether a man can treat himself unjustly.) Again, a man may
voluntarily, owing to incontinence, be harmed by another who acts
voluntarily, so that it would be possible to be voluntarily treated
unjustly. Or is our definition incorrect; must we to ‘harming
another, with knowledge both of the person acted on, of the
instrument, and of the manner’ add ‘contrary to the wish of the
person acted on’? Then a man may be voluntarily harmed and
voluntarily suffer what is unjust, but no one is voluntarily
treated unjustly; for no one wishes to be unjustly treated, not
even the incontinent man. He acts contrary to his wish; for no one
wishes for what he does not think to be good, but the incontinent
man does do things that he does not think he ought to do. Again,
one who gives what is his own, as Homer says Glaucus gave
    Armour of gold for brazen, the price of a hundred beeves for
nine, is not unjustly treated; for though to give is in his power,
to be unjustly treated is not, but there must be some one to treat
him unjustly. It is plain, then, that being unjustly treated is not
    Of the questions we intended to discuss two still remain for
discussion; (3) whether it is the man who has assigned to another
more than his share that acts unjustly, or he who has the excessive
share, and (4) whether it is possible to treat oneself unjustly.
The questions are connected; for if the former alternative is
possible and the distributor acts unjustly and not the man who has
the excessive share, then if a man assigns more to another than to
himself, knowingly and voluntarily, he treats himself unjustly;
which is what modest people seem to do, since the virtuous man
tends to take less than his share. Or does this statement too need
qualification? For (a) he perhaps gets more than his share of some
other good, e.g. of honour or of intrinsic nobility. (b) The
question is solved by applying the distinction we applied to unjust
action; for he suffers nothing contrary to his own wish, so that he
is not unjustly treated as far as this goes, but at most only
suffers harm.
    It is plain too that the distributor acts unjustly, but not
always the man who has the excessive share; for it is not he to
whom what is unjust appertains that acts unjustly, but he to whom
it appertains to do the unjust act voluntarily, i.e. the person in
whom lies the origin of the action, and this lies in the
distributor, not in the receiver. Again, since the word ‘do’ is
ambiguous, and there is a sense in which lifeless things, or a
hand, or a servant who obeys an order, may be said to slay, he who
gets an excessive share does not act unjustly, though he ‘does’
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