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The Crippled God

The Crippled God

Titel: The Crippled God Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
your breath, Wid – get away from me.’
    ‘Got another squad on the other side of these wagons,’ Balm pointed out. ‘Anyone see which one?’
    They all looked over, but the three lines of wretched haulers mostly blocked their view. Throatslitter grunted. ‘Could be Whiskeyjack himself. If we get in trouble they won’t be able to get through—’
    ‘What’s your problem?’ Balm demanded.
    Throatslitter bared his teeth. ‘This is thirst we’re dealing with here, Sergeant – no, all of you! Where I came from, droughts hit often, and the worst was when the city was besieged – and with Li Heng, well, during the scraps with the Seti that was pretty much every summer. So I know about thirst, all right? Once the fever strikes, there’s no stopping it.’
    ‘Well isn’t that cheery? You can stop talking now, Throatslitter, and that’s an order.’
    ‘I think it’s Badan Gruk’s squad,’ said Deadsmell.
    Balm snorted.
    Widdershins frowned. ‘That’s a problem, Sergeant? They’re Dal Honese just like you, aren’t they?’
    ‘Don’t be an idiot. They’re from the southern jungles.’
    ‘So are you, aren’t you?’
    ‘Even if I was, and I’m not saying I wasn’t, or was, that’d make no difference, you understand me, Wid?’
    ‘No. Tayschrenn himself couldn’t have worked out what you just said, Sergeant.’
    ‘It’s complicated, that’s all. But … Badan Gruk. Well, could be worse, I suppose. Though like Throaty said, we’d both have trouble supporting the other. I wish Fid ain’t pulled the heavies from us. What d’you think he’s done with ’em?’
    Deadsmell said, ‘It was Faradan Sort who come up after Kindly, to talk to the captain. And I wasn’t deliberately eavesdropping or nothing. I just happened to be standing close. So I didn’t catch it all, but I think there might be some trouble with the food haulers on the back end. I’m thinking that’s where the heavies went.’
    ‘What, to lighten the loads?’
    Throatslitter yelped.
    Lap Twirl scratched at the end of his nose where the tip had once been. ‘Kind’ve insulting,’ he muttered, ‘them calling themselves Bridgeburners.’
    Burnt Rope glanced over at the company marching on his left. Squinted at the three oxen plodding the way oxen plodded the world over. It’s how it looks when y’get someone doing something nobody wants t’do. Draught animals. Of course, it’s all down to stupidity, isn’t it? Do the work, get food, do more work to get more food. Over and over again. Not like us at all . ‘I don’t care what they call themselves, Lap. They’re marching just like us. In the same mess, and when we’re all bleached bones, well, who could tell the difference between any of us?’
    ‘I could,’ Lap Twirl said. ‘Easy. Just by looking at the skulls. I can tell if it’s a woman or a man, young or old. I can tell if it’s a city-born fool or a country one. Where I apprenticed, back in Falar, my master had shelves and shelves of skulls. Was doing a study – he could tell a Napan from a Quon, a Genabackan from a Kartoolian—’
    Corporal Clasp, walking a step ahead, snorted loudly and then half turned, ‘And you believed him, Lap? Let me guess, that’s how he made his living, isn’t it? Wasn’t it you Falari who had that thing about burying relatives in the walls of your houses? So when rival claims to some building came up, why, everyone ran to the skullscriers.’
    ‘My master was famous for settling disputes.’
    ‘I just bet he was. Listen, working out a man or woman, old or young – sure, I’ll buy that. But the rest? Forget it, Lap.’
    ‘Why are we talking about skulls again?’ Burnt Rope asked. When no one seemed able to come up with an answer, he went on, ‘Anyway, I’m thinking it’s all right that we got them Bridgeburners so close, instead of ’em regulars – if we get mobbed at this wagon here, we could call on ’em to help.’
    ‘Why would they do that?’ Lap Twirl demanded.
    ‘Can’t say. But Dead Hedge, he’s a real Bridgeburner—’
    ‘Yeah,’ drawled Clasp, ‘I heard that, too. Pure rubbish, you know. They’re all dead. Everyone knows that.’
    ‘Not Fiddler …’
    ‘Except Fiddler …’
    ‘And Fiddler and Hedge were in the same squad. Along with Quick Ben. So Hedge is for real.’
    ‘All right, fine, so it isn’t pure rubbish. But him helping us is. We get in trouble here, we got no one else to look to for help. Tarr’s squad is on the other side

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