The German Genius
de Staël and, 312
educational reforms, 226, 227–228, 233–234
on French nation, 262
on purpose to world history, 262
Schinkel and, 212
student of Heyne, 228
Humperdinck, Engelbert, 532
Hunley, J. D., 259
Hunsrückenstrasse (Uecker), 811
Hunt, The (Stuck), 508
Hunt, Tristram, 257, 259
Husserl, Edmund, 37, 486–487, 493–494, 605, 652
students of, 603, 722, 723, 773
Hutton, James, 169
Huxley, Michael, 803, 804
Hyperion (Hölderlin), 291
hypnotherapy, 556
I and Thou (Ich und Du) (Buber), 682–683
“Iconoclasm in German Philosophy” (Oxenford), 331
Idealism, 138, 139, 732
emergence of, 136
influence on Wissenschaftsideologie, 228
instrumental music and, 162
non-Germans and, 845
Ideas for the Philosophy of History of Humanity (Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit) (Herder), 261
IG Farben, 361, 695
Iggers, George, 263, 269, 270
Illiger, Johannes, 81
“Illustrations of the Dynamical Theory of Gases” (Maxwell), 347
imagined communities, 58, 114
“Im Granatloch” (Schnack), 551
Immendorf, Jörg, 812, 813
Inability to Mourn, The (Die Unfähigkeit zu Trauern) (Mitscherlich and Mitscherlich), 24, 785, 789–790
Indian Summer (Die Nachsommer) (Stifter), 295
individualism, types of, 449–452
individuality, change in meaning of, 193–196
Informed Heart, The (Bettelheim), 717
Innerlichkeit. See inwardness insecticides, 360–361
Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), 659
Institute for Research on the Jewish Question (Frankfurt), 656
Institute of East European Economic Studies (Königsberg), 670
Institute of Fine Arts (New York University), 702, 733–734
Institute of Theoretical Physics (Copenhagen), 596. See also Bohr, Niels
instruments, musical, 154, 869n5
Intellectual History Association, 656
International Congress of Mathematicians (Paris, 1900), 487
International General Medical Society for Psychotherapy, 661
International Research Council, 595
Interpretation of Dreams, The (Die Traumdeutung) (Freud), 395, 397, 827
In the Beginning Was the Word (Hoyer), 632
In the Land of Cockaigne (Im Schlaraggenland) (H. Mann), 511, 512
Intrigue and Love (Kabale und Liebe) (Schiller), 128, 132
“Inventur” (Eich), 799
inwardness, 87, 110, 194, 403, 437, 713, 790, 830–833, 838
Iphigenie auf Tauris (Goethe), 117
Irving, David, 6–7
Iselin, Isaak, 76
Isherwood, Christopher, 743, 818
Israel in Egypt (Handel), 154
Italia and Germania (Overbeck), 217
Italienische Forschungen (Rumohr), 218
Jachmann, Reinhold, 135
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, 234–235, 350
Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, 138, 147, 149
Jacobi, Lotte, 735
Jacobs, Ian, 738
Jacob the Liar (film), 806
Jaehne, Friedrich, 695
Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig, 309
Jahoda, Marie, 753
Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse, 555
Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Kritik (periodical), 244
Jakobson, Roman, 700
James, Clive, 489, 583, 709, 859n49
James, William, 662
Janco, Marcel, 564
Janet, Pierre, 394–395
Jannings, Emil, 592, 648
Janowitz, Hans, 568
Jarausch, Konrad H., 778–781, 842
Jargon of Authenticity, The (Jargon der Eigentlichkeit) (Adorno), 771–772
Jaspers, Karl, 608, 652, 767, 769–770, 823, 832, 856
Jawlensky, Alexei, 515, 516, 564
Jay, Martin, 630–631
Jeffreys, Diarmuid, 357, 363
Jelinek, Elfriede, 794
Jellinek, Emil, 378
Jellinek, Walter, 650
Jena, Battle of (1806), 108, 138, 185
Jenninger, Philip, 12
Jens, Walter, 794
Jewish Colonial Trust, 499
Jewish Question, The (lecture, Kittel), 685
Jewish-Theological Seminar (Breslau), 655
Jewish Volkskunde, 655–656
Jews. See also anti-Semitism
in Berlin, 520
Chamberlain on, 436
downplaying of, in Holocaust, 8–9
Heine, Heinrich, as, 298, 300
held responsible for 1873 crash, 521
identification as “degenerates,” 434
limited form of citizenship, 108
as physicians, 661
refugees in London, 745
resurgence of Jewish culture under Weimar Republic, 619
Jews and Modern Capitalism, The (Die Juden und das Wirtschaftsleben) (Sombart), 452
Joachim, Joseph, 460, 462
Jodl, Alfred, 608
Joël, Karl, 447
Johnson, Alvin, 701, 726
Johnson, Uwe, 796
Johnst, Hans, 646
Johnston, William, 567
Jomini, Antoine Henri de, 187
Jones, Ernest, 394, 662, 754
Jones, Mumford, 159
Jones, William, 190
Jonny spielt auf (Krenek), 587
Jooss, Kurt, 744, 745, 747, 804
Joseph in Prison (Mengs), 209
Joule, James Prescott, 344
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 349–350
journalism, 325, 750
Journal of Practical Medicine, 176
journals, professional, 52, 226, 234, 476J. R. Becher Institute for Literature (Leipzig), 801
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