The German Genius
69–73, 163, 261–170
influence in the United States, 713, 731
law and, 264–266
Winckelmann and, 100
Histories of the Romanic and Germanic Peoples from 1491 to 1514 (Geschichte der romanischen und germanischen Völker von 1494 bis 1514) (Ranke), 267
Historikerstreit, 10–15, 733
Historische Zeitschrift (journal), 406, 408
history, 30, 70–72, 263
Benda on, 623–624
critical tradition, 231
influence of refugees in the United States, 730–733
as man’s spiritual struggle to overcome nature, 76
nationalism and, 404–410
National Socialism and, 615, 653–654
standard history curriculum, 436
at University of Göttingen, 51
in Weimar Germany, 607–609
History and Class Consciousness (Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein) (Lukács), 775
History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century (Merz), 170
History of German Law and Institutions (Deutsche Staats-und Rechtsgeschichte) (Eichhorn), 264–265
History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century (Deutsche Geschichte im 19. Jahrhundert) (Treitschke), 321, 408–309
History of Modern Germany, A (Holborn), 732
History of Prussia (Geschichte Preussens) (Voigt), 266
History of Roman Law in the Middle Ages (Geschichte des römischen Rechts im Mittelalter) (Savigny), 265
History of Rome (Römische Geschichte) (Mommsen), 405
History of Rome (Römische Geschichte) (Niebuhr), 231
History of the Art of Antiquity, The (Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums) (Winckelmann), 30, 97–98, 207
History of the First Crusade, The (Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges) (Sybel), 405–406
History of the French Revolution (Geschichte der Revolutionszeit 1789–95) (Sybel), 406
History of the German People (Geschichte des teutschen Volkes) (Luden), 266
History of the Popes (Die römischence Päpste) (Ranke), 268
History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages (Geschichte der Päpste seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters) (Pastor), 607
History of the Synoptic Tradition, The (Die Geschichte der synoptischen Tradition) (Bultmann), 678–679
History of the Thirty Years War (Geschichte des Dreissigjährigen Krieges) (Schiller), 130–131
“Hitler” (Schumann), 635
Hitler, Adolf, 614–616
on art, 630
caricature by Beckmann, 630
education, 559
in German Workers Party, 562
meeting with Chamberlain, 436
at opening night of Salome, 467
polycratic dictatorship, 697–698
religion and, 673–687
Schramm and, 608
in Vienna, 501
will, 631–632
Hitler, a Film from Germany (Hitler, ein Film aus Deutschland) (Syberberg), 782, 807
“Hitlergeist und Wissenschaft” (The Hitler Spirit and Science) (Stark and Lenard), 599
Hitler’s Professors (Weinreich), 759–760
Hitler’s Willing Executioners (Goldhagen), 18–22, 733
Hitler: The Man and the Military Leader (Hitler as militärische Führer) (Schramm), 608
Hitler Youth Quex (film), 640
Hobhouse, Hermione, 319
Hobsbawm, Eric, 748–749
Höch, Hanna, 565
Hochhuth, Rolf, 736, 780, 781, 802
Höchst, 360, 695
Hoffmann, Eric Achille, 390
Hoffmann, E. T. A., 162–163, 200, 831
Hoffmann, Felix, 364, 856
Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich, 299, 304
Hofmann, August Wilhelm von, 318, 357, 358, 491–492
Hofmann, Hans, 734
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 467–468, 490, 492, 567, 612, 619
Holborn, Hajo, 570, 730, 731–732
Holbrooke, Richard, 733
Hölderlin, Friedrich, 138, 200, 241, 291–292, 548
Hollein, Hans, 814
Holocaust, denial of, 6–10
Holocaust in American Life, The (The Holocaust and Collective Memory) (Novick), 7–8
Holocaust Industry, The (Finkelstein), 10
Holocaust Library (London), 749
Holst, Imogen, 752
Holy Family, The (Die heilige Familie) (Engels and Marx), 257
Hölzel, Adolf, 507
Homeopathy (journal), 174
Honecker, Erich, 801, 806
Hörbiger, Hanns, 658
Horen, Die (periodical), 129
Horkheimer, Max, 572, 631, 702, 725, 741
Horney, Karen, 570, 612–613, 662
Hottinger, Johann Konrad, 216
Hour of True Feeling, The (Die Stunde der Wahren Empfindung) (Handke), 796
Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other, The (Die Stunde da wir nichts von einander wußten) (Handke), 804
House of Jewish Learning, 682
Houtermans, Fritz, 691–692
Howard, Thomas, 54
Hoyer, Hermann, 632
Huber, Kurt, 655
Huch, Ricarda, 193
Hufbauer, Karl, 226
Hugenberg, Alfred, 420–421
Hughes, Everett C., 453
Hulse, Michael, 115, 116
Hülsenbeck, Richard, 564, 565
Human Condition, The (Arendt), 721
Humann, Carl, 414–415
Humann, Franz, 414
Humboldt, Alexander von, 81, 138, 177–181, 212, 427, 852, 871n26, 871n33
Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 86, 87, 108–110, 124, 138, 227, 851–852
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