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The German Genius

The German Genius

Titel: The German Genius Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Peter Watson
Vom Netzwerk:
(Schoenberg), 587
Vormärz, 304
Voss, Heinrich, 508
Vossische Zeitung (newspaper), 102, 331, 580, 582
Vossler, Karl, 533
Vranitsky, Franz, 15
Vries, Hugo de, 391
Vulpius, Christiane, 118
VW-Complex (film), 808
Waagen, Gustav Friedrich, 212, 214
Wackenroder, Wilhelm Heinrich, 216
Wagner, Cosima, 467
Wagner, Franz Josef, 6, 164–165
Wagner, Otto, 496–497
Wagner, Richard, 328
community and, 836
influence of, 471
influences on, 200, 327, 329–330
Nietsche and, 335–338
operas as re-creation of original Aryan myths, 435
racial ideas and, 434
Strauss, Richard, and, 466
Wilhlem I and, 526
Wagner, Rudolph, 81, 283, 287
Wagner, Siegfried, 532, 645
Wagner Case, The (Nietzsche), 337
Walden, Herwarth, 528
Waldheim, Kurt, 14
Waldseemüller, Martin, 321
Wallace, Stuart, 538
Wallenstein trilogy (Schiller), 131–132
Wall Jumper, The (Der Mauerspringer) (Schneider), 796
Wallot, Paul, 523
Walser, Martin, 28, 761, 782, 783–784, 793, 832, 836
Walter, Bruno, 558, 645, 702
Walther, Helmut, 692–693
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, The (Friedrich), 221
Wandlung, Die (The Transformation) (Toller), 552–553
Warburg, Aby, 570
Warburg Institute of Art History (Hamburg), 570, 630, 747
Ward, Adolphus William, 317
Ward, Lester, 446
War of the World, The (Ferguson), 841
Warttemberg, 44
Wasserman, August von, 388, 390
Waves of Sea and Love, The (Des Meeres und der Liebe Wellen) (Grillparzer), 294
Way of All Flesh, The (film), 592
Weavers, The (Die Weber) (Hauptmann), 524
Weber, Alfred, 532, 608, 649, 690, 770
Weber, Carl Maria von, 160, 173, 328
Weber, Karl, 95
Weber, Marianne, 690
Weber, Max, 455–458, 649
Breuer, Stefan, on, 455
on community, 836
contemporary world of ideas and, 819, 822–823, 825–826
Dahrendorf on, 764
influence of, 713
Pan-German League and, 421
on The Philosophy of Money, 447
Schumpeter’s opposition to, 704
on Sombart, 453
on World War I, 535
Weber, Wilhelm, 173, 350
Webern, Anton von, 585, 643
Wedekind, Frank, 511, 514–515, 563, 585
Weerth, Georg, 304
Wegener, Alfred, 557–558
Wehler, Hans-Ulrich, 25–28
Weidenfeld, George, 745, 747–748
Weidermann, Volker, 29, 798–799
Weierstrass, Karl, 486
Weill, Kurt, 568, 586, 590, 641
Weimar (city), 111, 114, 128, 312
Weimar Republic, 567–593
as betrayal of German political ideals, 34
cinema, 587–593
doctors in, 661
music, 583–587
Weingartner, Felix von, 533
Weininger, Otto, 495
Weinrich, Max, 759–760
Weiss, Peter, 780, 793, 803
Weisse Rose (White Rose) resistance group (Munich), 690
Weisskopf, Victor, 739
Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich von, 691
Welles, Orson, 593
Welt, Die (periodical), 843
Weltbühne, Die (magazine), 581, 582, 583
Wenders, Wim, 807–808
Werefkin, Marianne von, 515, 516
Werfel, Franz, 564, 701, 702, 735
Werner, Abraham Gottlob, 117, 167–170, 178
Werner, Anton von, 526–527
Wertheimer, Max, 716, 732
Weskott, Johann Friedrich, 362
Western Cannon, The (Bloom), 296
Westminster Review, 331
Westöstlicher Divan (Goethe), 192
Westphalia, Treaty of (1648), 44, 289
Weyl, Hermann, 487, 659
Weyrauch, Wolfgang, 799
What Does the German Worker Read? (Was liest der deutsche Arbeiter?) (Pfannkuche), 428
What I Have Heard about Adolf Hitler (survey, 1977), 780
“What Is Life” (lectures, Schrödinger), 708
What Remains (Was bleibt) (C. Wolf), 795
Wheen, Francis, 819
white generation (weisse Jahrgänge), 761
Whitney, William Dwight, 324
Whittle, Frank, 600
Why Is There No Socialism in the United States? (Warum gibt es in den Vereinigten Staaten keinen Sozialismus?) (Sombart), 452
Wickmann, Karl, 215
Wiederbelebung des classischen Altertums, Die (Voigt), 92
Wiedermann, Gustav, 343
Wieland, Christoph, 112–113
Wienberg, Rudolf, 303
Wiene, Robert, 568
Wiener, Alfred, 749–750
Wiesenthal, Simon, 14
Wigman, Mary, 804
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von, 105, 533
Wilder, Billy, 587, 588, 589, 590–591, 593
Wilhelm I (emperor), 418, 519
Albert and, 321
Krupp and, 371
modern music and, 525–526
Reinhardt’s production and, 525
Wilhelm II (emperor), 321
dislike of Berlin, 522–523
Werner tutor of, 527
World War I and, 536
Wilhelm Meister (Goethe), 119–120, 197–198
Wilhelm Tell (Schiller), 131
Wilkins, Maurice, 709
Williams, Raymond, 619
Willis, Thomas, 68
Willkom, Ernst, 304
Willstätter, Richard, 533, 595–596
“Will zum Gluck, Der” (T. Mann), 511
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 30, 95–100, 207, 208–209, 210, 211
Wind, Edgar, 753
Wings of Desire (film), 807–808
Winkler, Heinrich, 843
Winter, Jay, 732
Wintergerst, Joseph, 216

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