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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
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wasn’t moving about. He eased his way off to the right shoulder.
    Then he saw it. The large blue and red lights flashing, people moving out of the way. Some of them were almost hitting others. Some too stupid to know what to do so they just sat there in the way.
    It was an AMR ambulance. There was probably another accident on SR160 and they were on their way to pick up the pieces.
    He breathed a sigh of relief. Checking his cargo again he pulled back onto the road and moved along with the traffic. Jack was starting to wonder if his heart was going to be able to handle all of this. He had four more empty rooms to fill and he needed to scout for more prospects. Jack wasn’t in a hurry though. These two would do fine for now.
    He needed to stay low for awhile anyway. If he got too anxious or greedy he’d start making mistakes and get sloppy. He couldn’t have that. Besides, he liked watching them go crazy trying to figure out what had happened.
    “That’ll teach you, you Guardian fucker.” He said to no one but himself. “I’m the one who’s in control now, not you.” Ha, ha, ha, he laughed to himself. He was actually having fun with this. He may even taunt them a little bit. That he would have to be careful about. Jack didn’t want to leave them any clues.
    The traffic on SR160 was just brutal. Bumper to bumper, a snail’s pace because of all the big trucks. Christ he hated this. They were ruining his oasis in the desert.
    Jack finally got impatient and jumped out into the traffic. Closing his eyes and praying nobody hit him he tore off. Horns were blaring and tires were squealing as he shot down the road to home.
    Pulling up the drive, he hit the remote and the front gate slid back. He slowly pulled forward. The gate began its slow return as he headed for his little mountain with its hidden surprises.
    He parked as close as he could to the front. He jumped out of the van. He quickly pulled the cover away from the opening, unlocked the huge padlock that secured the door. Next he entered the code into the Trilogy lock that he’d had installed and swung it open.
    He was searching and scanning the area. Why, he didn’t know. He was just getting paranoid he guessed. He grabbed the girl and took her to her new home.
    It was the same as with the first girl. All her new clothes, what little of them there was were laid out on her bed. He laid her down and quickly went out to secure the entrance just in the odd chance someone came by.
    He hurried back to the girl. He undid her bindings, and very slowly, very meticulously undressed her. He liked taking time to admire her. He became very aroused and very badly wanted to take her right then. However, he just looked at her naked body. As he stared down at her he was planning his next visit with her. He just smiled and put her new things on her.
    After tucking her in nice and comfortable, he gathered her things. He took one last look and with a big smile on his face he turned and walked out.
    Chapter 50
    Across from Jack Potter’s bar, on the south west corner sat Spring Valley Highland apartments. They were white wood structure, one story buildings with grey trim. It was a gated community. These were nice places and they had several of them all over town.
    Approximately a hundred yards up from the corner was a wrought iron gate. It was never used for regular traffic. The gate was only used for emergency or service vehicles such as fire trucks, vendors and the like.
    Right inside this gate was one of the dumpster areas. It was a three sided, block wall structure open at the top. There were two large, metal, green gates right in front to conceal the large, green dumpsters.
    Gladys Meyers took her trash out at the same time every day. Her two cats weren’t bad. You couldn’t even tell she had pets if you walked into her place. However, she didn’t like her trash from the day sitting all night in her kitchen. Kitty and Kramer would probably smell what ever she had made for supper that night. They would surely wind up spilling it all over. No, that would never do. Therefore, the trash went out.
    Gladys had opened the gate. It was so wide, she had to step back to swing it open. She just happened to see a white van sitting in the parking lot of Jack Potter’s across the street. Normally she wouldn’t have paid much mind to it but it was sitting there idling with the side door wide open.
    She shrugged it off, picked up her bag of trash, and tossed it into the

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