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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
doubt the DA’s office would even consider such a thing. Secondly, why should he be given any special treatment? Don’t you remember his handy work that we found?”
    “Of course I do. And I agree. It was some very criminal stuff, but so what? Those dirt bags deserved what they got.”
    “Okay, so let’s say we get the blessing from the higher ups. How do we convince this guy we won’t bag him if he comes in? Not only that, we have to find him first.”
    “Finding him doesn’t seem to be the problem. He knows where we are at all times. We just need to get him to come to us.”
    “We obviously have some kinks to work out. I just think it’s worth looking into.” Laura said, looking out her window into the nothingness of the Las Vegas skyline.

Chapter 47
    The small girl woke up with a terrible head ache. She looked around from her bed. Where was she? It had a dank, decaying, musty smell. Like a bunch of old wet rags or something that had been left unattended for a very long time.
    She sat up in her bed, her head throbbing. Her clothes were gone. All she had on was a thin cotton nightgown. She had no idea where she was. Oh God. She suddenly felt very scared. She ran to the door, pounding on it with her hands, yelling at the top of her lungs,
    “Help, help me please, help.” She knew on one could hear her. Hitting the door was like beating against a wall of rock.
    Getting down on her hands and knees, she noticed the notch at the bottom of the door. She tried to peek through. The door was too thick and all she could see was blackness.
    She tried putting her ear to the opening but could hear nothing. Sitting back on the heels of her feet, wrapping her arms tight around her she started sobbing. She was so scared. She didn’t know where she was, where her mother was, or what was going to happen to her. Crawling on her hands and knees, she found her way back to the bed. She slowly climbed under the covers and cried herself to sleep.
    The sound of a key opening a lock and a large bar being slid back woke her. Startled, she cowered to the back of her bunk. The door swung open and a dark figure filled the doorway. She couldn’t see his face. The light was poor and he was silhouetted by the light spilling in behind him.
    “I take it you slept well.” A man’s voice said, soft, almost soothingly.
    “Who are you, I want to go home. Where are my clothes?” She sobbed.
    The man chuckled, “I’m not surprised you’re full of questions.”
    “Don’t laugh at me. I need to go home, my mom will be worried.”
    “She need not worry. I’m not going to hurt you. As long as you behave and do as you’re told. You’ll see. We’ll get along marvelously.
    “Sorry my love, but this is your new home now. There are some things that you need to be aware of and understand.”
    Her heart filled with fear. She was suddenly very scared. He was sitting next to her on the bed explaining to her that this was her new home. She would never see her mother or her friends again. It dawned on her that she was in a prison and started to cry. She didn’t know what to do.
    “Now, now” the man said, sitting next to her on the small bed. He put his arm around her, pulling her close to him. He could feel his manhood start to rise. “Everything’s going to be just fine, you’ll see. It’ll take some getting used to I know. Once you’re here for awhile, you’ll see. It won’t be that bad.
    “We just need to have an understanding about some things. You know, rules just like at home.” At that he proceeded to remove her nightgown.

Chapter 48
    It had been a week since the little girl had gone missing. Everyone was saying they were still searching for her. The sad truth was that they had all but given up hope. She had disappeared without a trace and there wasn’t clue one and no leads to go on.
    Everyone thinks it’s about the sex. Sometimes it is, yes. More often than not it’s about power and being in control. Having control over someone. It’s about being able to manipulate and control them. That is what it is all about. These monsters don’t look at some eight year old girl and think in terms like some college kid reading a Hustler magazine. The older, more mature women intimidated them. Oh sure, they got off on the kiddy porn. It just wasn’t the same thing at all. It was all about the prepubescent, absence of body hair. The young, virgin like qualities was what really turned them on. It was about being in

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