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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
EVER yell at me, EVER!” He yelled back. “You are not in charge here, I am. We have a few things to get straight, some things that you will have to understand. When you do, you will see that things really aren’t that bad. I won’t hurt you, I promise, as long as you do as you’re told.” He was glaring at her. He had temporarily lost his compassionate demeanor. Actually, he was just plain loosing it all the way around. He had to get control of himself.
    “Okay, look, I’m sorry but you made me do that. I’ll be right back. Take your clothes off; put those there on the bed on. Do it now, and don’t give me any trouble about it.” He stood there watching her.
    The little blonde girl, tears in her eyes, rubbed her face where he had hit her. She just sat there, not believing that any of this could be happening.
    “I said, put those clothes on, and do it now!” He said.
    Slowly she got up off the bed, shaking terribly she turned her back to him. She began to take off her clothes. Jack stood there watching with an evil smirk on his face.
    “Turn around and face me. I want to see you.” He said
    “What?” she asked a surprised, shocked look on her face.
    “I said turn around and face me. I want to watch.”
    She turned around facing him. Her hands were trembling as she undid the buttons and removed her clothes. She stopped at her bra and panties, her arms folded in front of her.
    “All of it, your under things too.” He said sternly, a hungry look in his eyes.
    When she was completely naked, she was reaching for the nightgown that he’d laid out for her. As she reached for it he said, “Wait, I want to admire you for a minute.” She was trying to cover herself with her arms again, but he was insistent, “Put your arms down to your sides, yes, that’s right. Now turn around for me.” As she slowly turned around for him, the tears were welling up inside and she began to sob. Her head was hanging down in shame. She could feel his eyes burning into her flesh. She could feel the burn deep in her very soul and her entire being. He just smiled, admiring how well developed she was. Her body was pure and innocent, with no signs of hair or visual maturity. He just said, “Okay, you can dress now, dinners at six.” He picked up her discarded clothes turned and walked away.
    As she picked up the nightgown and proceeded to dress she heard the heavy bolt of the door slide into place. She jumped as it hit home with a sudden finality. It was then that she truly felt that there was no hope for her. The little blonde girl was consumed with fear, helplessness, and total abandonment as if she’d just been buried alive.
    After she was dressed, she stood there looking around the room. Taking in her surroundings for the first time, she was appalled. She couldn’t help but wonder what kind of place this was. The little blonde girl had never seen or heard of such a place before. It was cold, dank, and smelled of rot and mildew. She looked at the bed. The linens were clean and crisp. The small table seemed clean and tidy. Everything seemed clean and tidy. It was just, so out of place here.
    She walked slowly around the room, looking to see what was there and if there was any thing, she could use to escape or defend herself. She found the hole in the floor. It was her makeshift toilet. She put her hand over her mouth, and clutched her stomach. God, where was she? There wasn’t even a real toilet. It dawned on her that she’d been caged just like an animal.
    She turned and slowly made her way back to the bed. Not knowing what else to do, she pulled the covers back on the bed, slid beneath the sheets, curled up into a tight, round ball, and began to cry. There was nothing else to do. She was going to die here. She just knew it. It was at that moment she started thinking about all the mean, awful things that she had done and said to her mother. She was wishing that she could go back and undo all of them. Now, she sobbed.
    Chapter 82
    John had pulled on a pair of boxers, a clean white t-shirt, and robe. He decided to see what was in his kitchen that was eatable. As he was half way down the hallway, there was a knock at his door. He looked at the clock. It was almost seven at night. Grabbing his Glock from the kitchen counter, flicking the safety off, he slowly went to the door and peered through the eye piece.
    Standing there in all her sexual, stunning glory was Detective Griffin. John stepped back, stunned to the point

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