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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
that he just stood there staring. The knock came again. He was pacing, “shit”; he put the safety on and shoved the Glock into the pocket of his robe. He smoothed his hair with his hands, smoothed the front of the robe, and opened the door.
    “Well, this really is a surprise Laura. Won’t you come in?”
    She came in, leaned over, and kissed him on the cheek. When she did the Glock in his pocket pressed against her leg.
    “Oh John, what is that? Are you that happy to see me?”
    “Um, sorry” he said backing away pulling the gun from his robe pocket holding it up. He turned and put it on the counter. “Sorry” he said again.
    “I guess it is a surprise. By the looks of you, or did you dress up knowing that I was coming over?” She said with a sly smile on her face.
    “Um, no, uh, no I didn’t, but uh, let me go put something on real quick.”
    “That’s okay John. Actually, you’re better off dressed that way. I’m here to help you ease your pain.”
    John was looking at her with a very puzzled look on his face. “And how would that be exactly?”
    “Your knees John, remember, gimpy, knees, pain, limping, those knees.”
    “Oh, yes, yes, of course. I knew that.”
    Smiling she handed him the bag that she had been holding. “Where would you like me to put this?”
    “What is it exactly?”
    “It’s some hot and cold packs, some Theragesic ointment, some rubber gloves so as not to get my new nails messy and a bottle of cold Chablis.”
    “Well, I see you’ve certainly come prepared.” He said.
    “You won’t take care of yourself, so someone has to.”
    John didn’t know what to say. His mind was reeling. He couldn’t help but notice how stunning she looked. God she was beautiful. He’d never really seen her dressed up away from work. She was a knock out.
    “John, John, earth to John, earth to John” she was teasing him now.
    “Oh sorry, but um, you know you look smashing, just fucking great.” He felt stupid for saying it as soon as the words were out of his mouth.
    “Thanks John. What is that, Armani bath collection?” She said smiling broadly at him.
    “Very funny, but I didn’t know you were coming or I’d have dressed.”
    “I know that silly. That was the plan. To surprise you and I guess it worked.”
    “What now? Are you hungry? I’m starving. We could eat.”
    “Well, I took care of that too.” She said as she pulled an array of Chinese take-out from the bag.
    “Jesus, is that bag bottomless or what? What else do you have in there, the Ringling Brothers Clowns?” He said as they both started laughing.
    While Laura removed the little square cartons out of the bag John went about getting some plates out of the cupboard and silverware from the drawer. After the table was set, they each enjoyed a nice, hot meal and some very good wine.
    After they had finished, they loaded the dishwasher and cleaned up the mess. They worked together as well in the kitchen as they did at work. When they’d finished that, they stood there looking at each other.
    “Look” she said. I just wanted to give you a little TLC for your knees. I know you needed it and knew you wouldn’t ask. You sure as hell wouldn’t do it yourself. So I just did what any good hearted woman would do.”
    He just looked at her for a moment. He was truly surprised. “Thank you Laura. I really mean that. It was very nice of you. Thank you for everything.”
    “Okay, enough of the small talk mushy shit. Sit your ass down on that sofa there and let me do my thing.”
    John sat down on the sofa. She propped his feet with a pillow on the coffee table, pulled the items out of the bag and set to work. As she massaged his knees, John couldn’t help but admire this woman who, with her cast iron outer shell was going out of her way to show some tenderness and care.
    As he watched her, he just couldn’t help but think how beautiful she really was. He noticed that she wasn’t wearing hardly any makeup. She was as natural as they came.
    She caught him staring at her. “What,” she said.
    “Nothing, well, no not nothing, actually something, I guess.” God he was stammering like a highschooler.
    “Jesus John, just spit it out. I’ve never seen you like this before.”
    “Well, funny you should say that. I was just thinking that I’d never seen you like this before either.”
    “Just don’t let it get around at work. I don’t want anybody thinking I’m a freaking Mother Theresa okay?”
    “No, really, I

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