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The Highlander's Time

The Highlander's Time

Titel: The Highlander's Time
Autoren: Belladonna Bordeaux
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asked you to trust me, lass.”
    “Yes...but...but...you called me your wife. Girlfriend, you know, petite amie ?”
    “Trust me.” He took her lips in a searing kiss.

Chapter Four

    Is it time for your medication or mine?

    “It's about time you showed up,” Lila complained. “I'm going to dock your pay. That's what you deserve for leaving me alone with this bitch.”
    Jenny sent Charlzie an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I don't have an alarm clock.” Which was a given. It was who had made her late that had her blushing to the roots of her hair. Iaen had woken her before dawn to make slow, sweet love to her. And, for the second time in her life, she hadn't had to fake an orgasm.
    She'd fallen back to sleep in his arms. When she'd finally cracked her eyes, she'd met a kind young woman who explained in halting statements that the Laird had asked her to serve as Jenny's maid.
    Meg was too cute for words since she littered her French sentences with Gaelic. She also couldn't conjugate a verb to save her soul, but that was beside the point. The combination came out as mumbo-jumbo. Twice Jenny had burst out laughing when Meg tried to act out the words. The youthful excitement exuded by the young maid was infectious. By the time she'd gotten Jenny into a long gown of cerulean blue wool, laced it up, and draped the long sash of Kincaid plaid over her shoulder, they were the best of friends. When she'd finished plaiting Jenny's hair, they'd managed to straighten out some of Jenny's Gaelic—a necessity, in her opinion.
    A scarf of gossamer cloth covered the ornate plait and was held in place by a pretty silver circlet. Meg explained the circlet had belonged to Laird Kincaid's mother, and the markings were Norse Runes.
    “Hey, why do you get to dress up like a queen when I have to wear rags?” Lila kicked at the gown lying on the bed. “I want a tiara.”
    Jenny heaved a frustrated sigh. “Have you had breakfast?” she asked Charlzie.
    “She won't let me out of her sight for more than a split second.” Charlzie moved out of range when Lila lashed out. Her long, silk-wrap manicured fingernails swiped at the air. Charlzie skirted around the bed in a wide arc until she stood beside Jenny. “Are you okay? I was worried about you when you weren't here.”
    “Don't worry about me.” Jenny took in the gold-tone gown Charlzie wore. The color highlighted her stunning light blue eyes. She turned her attention to the drab brown one waiting for Lila to don. Time for a reality check, princess . Jenny mused, understanding Iaen was teaching Lila a lesson for throwing her mug at him yesterday. “Why don't you take a break, Charlzie? Elspeth has some bread and cheese on the table, and you look like you could use some tea.”
    “Thanks, Jenny.” Charlzie grabbed her hand. “Are you sure you can handle her on your own? She's been hissing and spitting for the better part of an hour.”
    Detecting a note of terror in her friend's voice, Jenny sympathized. “You want me to walk you downstairs?”
    “If you wouldn't mind.” A pained expression crossed Charlzie's pixie features. “I've always had a fear of heights.”
    “And without a railing, you feel even less safe.” Jenny nodded. She turned back to where Lila pouted. “You stay put. We're going to have a talk when I return.”
    “I'm your boss.”
    “If you haven't noticed, Lila, we're not in LA. Your days of bossing people around are over.” With that said, Jenny pulled Charlzie out of the room.
    “Good morning, milady.”
    Jenny nearly jumped out of her skin. What was it with these people and sneaking up on her? Putting her best foot forward, so to speak, she greeted the warrior. “Good morning.” She pasted a small smile on her face. No need to anger the aborigines , she decided as she walked Charlzie along the balcony. She'd just reached the top of the stairs when a loud rumble rose from below her.
    It was then she noticed every person in the hall below had stood, including Iaen.
    “What's going on?” Charlzie asked.
    “I haven't a clue.” Gathering a handful of her gown so she wouldn't trip during her descent, she started to walk on Charlzie's left, the side open to the straight breakneck fall to the stone floor below. A communal gasp broke from the crowd of warriors. Her gaze met and locked with Iaen's.
    Glad when he took control of the situation, she realized her mistake as he strode across the room and up the steps. He offered her his hand. She was
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