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The Highlander's Time

The Highlander's Time

Titel: The Highlander's Time
Autoren: Belladonna Bordeaux
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clan—for now.
    ‘Twas part of the bargain he’d made with the priest that had Father Thomas glaring at the handfasting. He’d not explained to Jenny what he was about, which according to Father Thomas, went against the rules governing marriage by mutual consent.
    A grin lifted his spirits for a brief moment.
    If all went as planned, by nightfall Kevin would wed Charlzie by the same method. Iaen sobered just as quickly.
    'Twas all for the sake of the clan. As many times as Iaen told himself those exact words he couldnae make them matter. He'd chosen Jenny o'er Charlzie because his lady showed grit. 'Twas partially self-serving. There was nay doubt he had to marry and produce an heir. And his heir would need to show backbone.
    He'd gone back and forth with himself in a major battle as to whom. All the lasses he met showed a modicum of interest. 'Twas their feebleness, their shy innocence around him which delayed his decision. Iaen couldnae imagine himself married to a woman who shrank into solemn, fearful silence every time he entered the room. Nay, he required a woman of fortitude and personal strength.
    Jenny had shown him those character traits. She stared him straight in the eye during their short interview. 'Twasn't until she cried during the wee hours that his heart gave a mighty chug. Aye, she was brave on the surface, but beneath she had a sweetness he was attracted to. She was also loyal to her friends. That trait was a facet, or flaw, depending on how he chose to view her dealings with Lila. He couldnae help but appreciate her.
    Erred or flawed, she'd gained his notice.
    The combination of her loyalty and personal resolve reaffirmed his decision to take her as his bride.
    In the beginning, Father Thomas thought he should take the younger Charlzie. Once he made it clear Jenny was his desire, the priest capitulated. Though, Father Thomas continued to include The Veil in his conversation even after he'd been ordered to let off.
    If 'twas true and the anomaly existed, so be it. There was naught he could do to change it.
    The lasses were here. They'd have to become part of the clan or not. The decision now landed in their laps whether they wished to learn the Highland ways. He could, and had, given Jenny the protection of his name and title, but 'twas up to her to attain and surpass the clan's expectations set upon the tiny shoulders of the Laird's wife.
    Deep in his gut, Iaen knew Jenny would not fail him.
    The only fly in the funeral pie was Lila.
    He sighed.
    He eyed a group of refugees making their way through the slippery muck of the trail. Bent beneath the bundles they carried, he steered his stallion toward them. 'Twas then he saw the people headed for the Keep.
    The entire trail was filled with them. He kicked his horse into a gallop, racing at breakneck speed along the quickly disappearing shoreline. Only one thing could cause the hearty people living along the river to leave their homes—disaster.
    “Milord. Milord.” Iaen heard one of his warriors call. His eyes focused on the man running toward him.
    Scowling, he reined in. “Aye?”
    “The levy has broken.”
    “Was everyone evacuated?” His throat worked to digest the full impact of the tragedy.
    “Aye, but the cottages are flooded. The people have naught except the clothes on their backs and the few things they could gather before the water rushed in.”
    “Get them to the Keep. I willnae be far behind you.” Iaen's thoughts returned to his wife. A pang of pity struck him. Her world was about to tilt one hundred eighty degrees. Be brave, my Jenny .

Chapter Five

    When you are in the jungle, play by its rules .

    “Why are you making that racket?” The door to Lila's room slammed against the wall. She wasn't a stumbling drunk when she appeared. Hell no, she was in all her glory and out for someone's hide. “What the fuck do you think you're doing? Jenny, put that brat down and come here. I want a drink.”
    Jenny tilted her eyes to the balcony and cringed at the sight of her boss walking around buck naked. Lila had the audacity to shake her boobs at the refugees before she spun around to wiggle her liposuction-perfected ass. Mortified, Jenny rejected the instinctive urge to shade the children's eyes. “Don't pay her any attention, Mary. She hasn't been herself lately.” The baby cradled in her arms cooed before suckling on her fist.
    Lila wasn't stupid by half, and for two days, she'd gone out of her way to show she wasn't about
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